Well Known Member
I would like to congratulate my high school classmate for being appointed as president of South Carolina State University. What an accomplishment James!!!!! We are very proud of you!!!!!

To keep this RV related......James' RV6 was the first RV that ever landed at 49FD (my backyard airstrip). James also serves as a member of the EAA board I believe.

Well, now that the word is out-------congrats James.

Yep, EAA board and golf taxi driver;)
Congratulations, Chatterbox!

Very distinguished stage in a very distinguished career. And to think, I've spent the night in your house (I kinda ran out of daylight coming back from Key West one time, and he felt sorry for me) and had my first Keurig coffee in your kitchen - just like 50 thousand dollar RV rides; that was an expensive cuppa joe;)

Hope it leaves you plenty of time to build and fly.

I too want to wish my friend James a great big congrats on his appointment. James and I have a long history together, starting almost 8 years ago with a cold contact phone call. We met during the RV1 tour, and he was instrumental in helping put together our sponsorship of Team AeroDynamix.

His knowledge, business sense, personality, and 'can do' attitude will serve SC State very well.
James---congrats my friend----well done!
Tom and Suzanne
Me too...

Well said, Tom. James first called me in 2011 after I bought the remains of our mutual friend Tony Spicer's RV-3B. Then a couple years later when I started working for GRT, he was relentless in helping me with marketing and product development and making our Team Aerodynamix sponsorship happen. I had no idea he was involved with so many organizations, but he always made time for us.

Congratulations James!! SC State made a great choice!
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James Clark...

AT&T::.congrats on Sourh Carolina! In the 10 years of my RV interest you are the first of common employment/RV man, moved on, lol. James, I invested 35+ with BS/ATT, engineering. Having owned/flew the fantastic 4 for 7 1/2 years, I'm now cherish my RV-7... happy to be retired for 3 years now.
Good luck and happy RV flying James!
CB, you're another, epic retirement failure but I wish you a great future with SC State. They picked wisely!
Congratulations to SC State. They are now in the capable hands of James Clark, a man I have had the pleasure of knowing and flying with for many years. He is a true gentleman, a font of knowledge and limitless abilities. I am proud to count James among the finest of my friends. Well done CB!
I'm sure there's a place on campus for James to land his RV6 and RV8! LOL---
easier commute from Columbia that way.
Congratulations to James -CB! SC State is in very capable hands. I bet their president can bet any university presidents in flying!
Congratulations to James -CB! SC State is in very capable hands. I bet their president can bet any university presidents in flying!

Thanks everyone for the comments. And ...
Thanks Ted! I got a chuckle out of that. :)

I also had some aviation related good news come my way on the first day on the job (Friday).

I would like to congratulate my high school classmate for being appointed as president of South Carolina State University. What an accomplishment James!!!!! We are very proud of you!!!!!

To keep this RV related......James' RV6 was the first RV that ever landed at 49FD (my backyard airstrip). James also serves as a member of the EAA board I believe.

Thanks Dave!!!

That RV6 now has over 2200 hours on it. And that is with a slow last two years! :)

Yes, I have served (almost) three years on the EAA Board and am up for re-election along with several good people.

I am excited about the RV6 focus this year.

Let me add my congrats to James also. Saw this on the nightly news the other day! Wow, great surprise! Also, he's been on the EAA Board three years already! They could not pick a better guy to re-elect.
I have already offered

Paul, I already offered to be his pilot, but he will have to ride in the back. I couldn't have him keep telling me, "smoke on, now"! 😁

Thanks for stopping by our hangar the other day, James. Good to see you.
Congratulations, James! Proud to call you a friend and a customer! Thanks for all the help with the smoke system in the -8!