
Well Known Member
I purchased Jack Points for my 14A and the round jack point does not go all the way in to the smaller insert. Is there any difference using Berenger vs the Vans stock wheels ?
I just use a 12” piece of 3/4” black pipe stuck in the inner side of the axle then put a floor jack under that.
Step down

The Jack Point fits the 7/8’inch hole fine and it’s stepped down to ~1/2 inch to slide into the hole further in. It’s about another 3/4 inch it could go into and would be a little more secure in my view. It looks like it was designed this was but possibly because I’ve got Beringer wheels might not work that way. 3/4 pipe probably ok.
Jackpoints on Beringer wheels

Yes there is a difference, the axel hole on the Beringer is smaller than the stock Vans axel, you can machine down the end or just cut off the small end of your jackpoint , it’ll work fine.
When we make our next machine run of the 14A Jackpoints we’re eliminating that end.
Thanks for using our product
Jack Points

Thanks and really nice product. I like using a solid piece of metal to lift my baby.