Use the search function to find several threads on this engine.

The current status of this engine is that it is going in to hybernation. I talked to the Jab reps at OSH this year, and when the current run of about 25 engines is sold, it's going on the back burner. They are going to continue focusing on the 2200 and 3300 while they work the bugs out of the 5100. I didn't get an explaination on the "bugs". They wouldn't say. I know they were looking at redesigning the cowl to be more RV friendly.

There is a guy in TN that has one on his -7. He just flew this summer, but there's yet to be any news on it.

They say it sounds awesome, but there are problems with it. I think this is a neat engine, but it's not ready for everyday use, or they'd be producing them again.
The fact that it has two carburetors struck me as a bit hokey - really wish it was injected. Someone somewhere said it was super smooth, next best thing to a turbine.

There was one on sale here a few months ago. I seriously considered it but I decided to give it a couple years and see where they take it. Seems that was a good decision...