
Those must be some strong canopy struts.

Watch the video, at 1:57 he pushes a button to open the canopy.

Joe's canopy is electrically actuated, among many, many other innovations on his build disclosed on his website.

Looking good Joe, congratulations!
electrically actuated

Thanks Tony

The ability to set the canopy at any angle is a benefit that I really like.

There is also the ability to open by hand the same as Vans design.

The vinyl wrap by my wife and I was not as difficult as I thought.

I think that this is the third or fourth Jabiru Powered 12.


Joe Dallas

Watch the video, at 1:57 he pushes a button to open the canopy.

Joe's canopy is electrically actuated, among many, many other innovations on his build disclosed on his website.

Looking good Joe, congratulations!
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I wish you would share with us all the modifications you incorporated in your RV-12 build. I am only aware of a couple of dozen.:D

Even my webs is not up to date, I don't really know the number of changes I have made
I have even made changes to my changes, I have photos and notes in my build log of all the changes and need to put them on my web site.

This is a rough list of items.
I will update my website after I get my aircraft to the airport.

Alteration ----------- Motive
Flush Rivets -------- Washing, Waxing, Appearance, Vinyl wrap
Stab Fairings ------- Appearance
Static / Pitot / AOA -- Engine
Canopy System ----- Keyless Entry
Battery -------------- Weight
Wing Fuel Tanks --- More baggage area
Rear Windows ----- Appearance & Sun Blocking
Jabiru 3300 -------- Performance
Seat Adjustments --- Seven seat positions
Seat Brace ---------- Removable Seat Brace
Brake System ------- Parking brake
Electric Flaps -------- No flap handle
Rudder Trim --------- Pilot adjustable
Tailcone Fairing ----- No overlap
Wing Skin Stiffeners -- Control oil canning
Landing Lights ------ Arduino Controlled
Rear Baggage ------ For Items to tie down and preflight aircraft
Garmin Verb -------- Retractable Camera bottom of Tailcone
Tie Down Rings ----- To add Camera Mounts
Rudder Pedals
Entry Steps
Instrument Panel
Vinyl Wrap
Tailcone Entry Door -- Easy Access to Tailcone Items - Back up Battery, ELT

Joe Dallas


I wish you would share with us all the modifications you incorporated in your RV-12 build. I am only aware of a couple of dozen.:D

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Even my webs is not up to date, I don't really know the number of changes I have made
I have even made changes to my changes, I have photos and notes in my build log of all the changes and need to put them on my web site.

This is a rough list of items.
I will update my website after I get my aircraft to the airport.

Alteration ----------- Motive
Flush Rivets -------- Washing, Waxing, Appearance, Vinyl wrap
Stab Fairings ------- Appearance
Static / Pitot / AOA -- Engine
Battery -------------- Weight
Wing Fuel Tanks --- More baggage area
Rear Windows ----- Appearance & Sun Blocking
Jabiru 3300 -------- Performance
Seat Adjustments --- Seven seat positions
Seat Brace ---------- Removable Seat Brace
Brake System ------- Parking brake
Electric Flaps -------- No flap handle
Rudder Trim --------- Pilot adjustable
Tailcone Fairing ----- No overlap
Wing Skin Stiffeners -- Control oil canning
Landing Lights ------ Arduino Controlled
Rear Baggage ------ For Items to tie down and preflight aircraft
Garmin Verb -------- Retractable Camera bottom of Tailcone
Tie Down Rings ----- To add Camera Mounts
Rudder Pedals
Entry Steps
Instrument Panel
Vinyl Wrap
Tailcone Entry Door -- Easy Access to Tailcone Items - Back up Battery, ELT

Joe Dallas

Missing from the list is all up empty weight.

Not being snarky.... genuinely curious (and I imagine many others are as well) what this level of modification (presumably) costs in empty weight.
rear baggage area windows

I like the rear window reduction, I am in Florida and I don't need sun exposure for my baggage, creates heat. Is the rear window size reduction paint or aluminum. Looks good , we are still experimental thanks to Mr Proberenzy!!
I am not sure however I am hoping that it will be about 30 to 35 lbs
The Extra HP should make up for that extra weight
I tried to keep the weight down on every alteration
I will post the weight when I get it to the airport

Joe Dallas

Missing from the list is all up empty weight.

Not being snarky.... genuinely curious (and I imagine many others are as well) what this level of modification (presumably) costs in empty weight.

I really like your rear window reduction. Perhaps a mod Van's should think about incorporating. While fueling with our current configuration it is easy to splash fuel onto the rear window. Inadvertently changing the fueling flow rate or the angle of the fuel nozzle is all it takes to have fuel suddenly back up and splash onto the rear deck.

I hold a rag over the fueling receptacle to catch any over spray. So far I have managed to protect the lexan from any damage.

By the way, I hope to be ready for my first flight with the new Jabiru "generation 4" engine this weekend.

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