
Well Known Member
In the area around F-710 bulkhead, the F-779 skin overlaps the F-773 skins (F-779 inside of F-773). There is no way to make the F-786C J-channel flush with the skins in this area (particularly about 1 rivet forward) as it bends inward. Am I missing something?

Others have said that the J-channel does not get sandwiched between the 2 skins, but that is the only way I can see that it would be flush with the side skin. But the the bulkhead would not be flush in the j-channel cutout.

Thanks in advance!
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skin order

The order of skins in that area is F-778 (bottom skin) with the F-779 (tail bottom skin) inside of F-778, then the F-773-L/R skins are wrapped around F-778 and F-779. The F-710 bulkhead sits on top of those three skins. The J-channel should slide into place flush with the F-773 skins and between the skin and the F-710 flange tab for the channel.


More photos here
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Ok, discovered the issue wasn’t the skin overlap so much as the f-779 still not bent inward enough and curving away from the j-channel.

Thanks for the help!