G Swartley

Well Known Member
Well today I finally did it. After a couple months of trying to work on the house and letting life get in the way of building. I finally ordered my fuselage. I also made the decision to purchase a straight 9 and not a 9A although I never have flown a conventional aircraft.:eek:

Hope my decision is not a problem.

I'm about 6 months behind you, I think. I am about 98% settled on 9A versus the 9, but I intend to go get some tailwheel time in somebodies bird (any volunteers?) and give them a chance to try to "convert" me.
Build It and It Will Fly

......I also made the decision to purchase a straight 9 and not a 9A although I never have flown a conventional aircraft......

Welcome to the club. Like you, I have no conventional aircraft time either. In a manner of speaking, I built my taildragger on faith. A few days ago I taxied the recently completed -8 around the airport discovering for myself that over the cowl visibility is just fine and thanks to the Silverbullet steering link, the plane instantly turns on a dime. I thought to myself "Piece 'O Cake, how hard can this be?" The biggest problem I have now is getting motivated to start logging some taildragger hours. The weather is starting to turn now and at a minimum of $100 bucks an hour for Champ or Citabria time, AIG wants to see at least 15 hours logged. The transition will be a pricey investment but am sure it will be worth it in Spades.
Congrats on both accounts!

Rick is living proof that you can indeed teach and old dog new tricks!

Sorry Rick....I couldn't resist! :D

Congrats on both accounts!

Rick is living proof that you can indeed teach and old dog new tricks!

Sorry Rick....I couldn't resist! :D


Personally, I think that tail wheels & six pac/ vacuum instruments go together. Why on earth would anyone want TV screens! :D

L.Adamson RV6A --- but retaining the six pac :)


Glad to hear that you dropped that training wheel! (That should stir things ups a bit :D) Just get the proper training, and you will be happy with your decision.

Now as they say.....Git-R-Done!
Well ??

I remember almost everything on your website when I started building my emp and wings . You had healthy sense of humor overe there as well... And then you suddenly stopped, you r slow Graig... Pick up the speed... Go straight to firewall forward please....

Alright you wanna give me some all in good fun ribbing I can handle it, but you better expect I'm gonna return the favor.

1. first off when life (House, Job, Kid in college, and general husbandly duties) all conspire the project slows and even stops for a while. sorry but that?s my story and I'm stickin to it.:cool:

2. I thought plane builders had to pay attention to details. My name is Gregg not Greg! to all mispellers check the details on your plane too. Might need some readjustin.:p

3. Yea I'm slow this is a slow build not a quick build.

Anybody else wanna poke fun at my speed. Bring it on and if you wanna really do something about it I'll see you at my garage helping me.
And I bet you walked to school in knee-deep snow too!


The Cub was side by side, had heel brakes on the left side, and was slow and clumsy responding to the controls. Visibility over the nose was normally poor, but this Cub's old nitrate windshield had turn totally dark in front where the sun beat on it, so the forward visibility was only slightly better than that of the Spirit of Saint Louis.

And it was uphill both ways!:D Just teasing.