Well Known Member
Doug Reeves,

Your Report Card.

I couple of months ago I put my add back in, this time in the Advertisers index.

My referral from the VAF site are:cool:

Sept, 111
Oct, 213
Nov, 461
Dec as of the evening of the 11th, 167 / will update later.

I know that it has made a difference, I also know I get responses directly from posts,

But, they are still coming from your site.

It's Working, Thanks!:)

Fellow Business's let Doug know that we appreciate his unique service!

I'm not DR, of course, but the best way my customers can thank me is by paying my invoices. :)

I hope that the personal injury attorneys don't find out about this. Doug, if they do, please don't accept their ads.

[ed. No worries! I'll keep the ads RV related. dr]
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