
Well Known Member
At least for me. This....




First flight May 30. Flew great. I had a couple minor squawks?

Alternator wasn?t working ? Someone forgot to attach the wire to the switch to ignite the ALT Field.

EGT hot on a couple cylinders? Pulling the injectors to look for trash.

Quick build, IO 540, Dual AFS 4500 + 3400 slave screen, G3I ignition?

And here is the pair of siblings? Interestingly, they both drink from the same hose :)


It's a blast :)

Congrats Doug!
Boone RV day is the 19th, I doubt that BNW is in your phase 1 area so hurry up and get it flown off so you can show it off in Boone.
I'm not going to ride in it, the last time I rode in your plane I started ordering parts.
Uncontrollable?? You just don't know yet.....

.....how uncontrollable your love for that airplane will become! Every time I fly my -10, it grows:)


Great job on a really nice looking airplane. I am desperately waiting to start my own RV-10. My plan is to order my emp kit at Oshkosh this year. Currently, I am in the process of saving money and finishing the last honey-do project before I can start my plane (master bathroom remodel). I hope my plane looks as good as yours! Keep her flying!


Congrats! Great looking airplane!
Don't you love that AFS instrumentation? Do you have their AOA?
AFS 3500/3400
Congrats Doug!
Boone RV day is the 19th, I doubt that BNW is in your phase 1 area so hurry up and get it flown off so you can show it off in Boone.
I'm not going to ride in it, the last time I rode in your plane I started ordering parts.

Hey Kelly....
I think this is your personal salesman. He's all checked out and ready for you.


I'm working hard on the time. Actually have an outside chance. Linda, my better half, is headed to Alabama next weekend so if the weather is nice I can put some serious time in on the plane.
