
Well Known Member
There I was, pondering my next step on the RV-12 canopy install when I looked out in my yard and saw a skunk run up my driveway and into the culvert!

Does this mean I'm officially a skunk works?

Any suggestions on how to extract the skunk from my culvert greatly appreciated. :eek:

I guess I could ask him to help. :eek:
Don't throw rocks!

Experience I gained at a much younger age can confirm that standing off 20 feet and throwing rocks produces much less than desired results. :eek:
if he's still in he culvert, a shotgun works.....the smell will go away in a day or two:D or if a small space you can block off both ends and stuff a hose in there to drown it.
if he's still in he culvert, a shotgun works.....the smell will go away in a day or two:D or if a small space you can block off both ends and stuff a hose in there to drown it.

A day or two? That thing will smell to high heaven for months! :eek:

I think I'll call my neighbor over and tell him there is $100 bill in the culvert. ;)
Easy solution - wait till the next T-storm and he'll be washed out of there for sure. But the question is, where will he go next?

Does your house/neighborhood allow the use of a .22 SRD (Skunk Removal Device)?
Skunk removal

Start a small fire with dry leaves or brush at the up wind end of the culvert, and quickly make your way to the opposite end of the culvert with previously mentioned .22 skunk removal device. Works like a champ, provided you are a fair shot.
Start a small fire with dry leaves or brush at the up wind end of the culvert, and quickly make your way to the opposite end of the culvert with previously mentioned .22 skunk removal device. Works like a champ, provided you are a fair shot.

I can see the headlines now; " Arson Suspect Arrested After Terrorizing Neighborhood With Gunfire." ;)

I may need a fully auto .22 to make sure I can get on target. :eek:
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A 22-250 works pretty well from about 50 yards. And just like in aviation, wind direction is VERY important in this endeavor. Whatever you do, DON'T WOUND IT!!!

Make sure you give me a call if you decide to use any of the mentioned techniques - I'll come down and watch!

You're not alone Larry - I was walking up to Mission Control (in the middle of the JSC Campus) the other night, and a skunk walked down the sidewalk right past the door to the Control Center. I figured I'd give him the right of way!
Perfect method...Explosives

A-la Caddyshack! use explosives in a timed method. one- two punch but you will need a bunker to hide out in, not the house! Out here in Arryzzona we use propane.... :D But if you want to take him alive: assuming relocation to the in-laws yard) Peanut butter and a capture cage. Cage sizing here is critical- don't want any room to allow tail lift!:eek:
A-la Caddyshack! use explosives in a timed method. one- two punch but you will need a bunker to hide out in, not the house! Out here in Arryzzona we use propane.... :D But if you want to take him alive: assuming relocation to the in-laws yard) Peanut butter and a capture cage. Cage sizing here is critical- don't want any room to allow tail lift!:eek:

Uh, oh, I can see it now, this is about to become a debate of nose gear vs. tail dragger thread :).
I'm no expert but...

I'm told that a skunk roaming about during the day could be an indication of rabies. Something to think about if you've got pets around.
Depending on how good a marksman you are. I shot one one time and aimed for his spine right behind his head. I got lucky and hit where I aimed. He never even squirted a drop. I guess it paralized him. :eek:

I think a fly-in is in order with food and beverages. The skunk shoot will more than enough intertainment than the price of admission.:p

I hear you can get a 50 cal. BMG and shoot him from the next county. Remember, you have to come home sometime though. :D
Years ago my mom went out to kill one down behind the corncrib. Unfortunately at the last second he spotted her, spun around, and up went the tail. In a split second Mom considered her options and cut loose with the 12 gauge, fully understanding the ramifications of blasting the wrong end of a skunk.

The farm didn't smell so good for a while. And guess which one of her little boys got to hold her nose while she handled the shovel.

Mom and I still giggle about it....

Thats really a message from above with a suggestion for a paint job for your new airplane.............................
Get the neighbor

get the neighbor with the $100 bill in the culvert..... Just give me a couple of days, I want to come watch that..... heck I'll put up the $100 bill....
I'll be waiting for your call...
The neighbor was on to me right away. Seems he remembered the last practical joke I played on him. Some guys just don't don't see the humor in waking up to find their yard full of political signs, all of the opposing party. ;)

Well, here is the plan for Peppie La Pew . I have a Havaheart trap set with dog food in it. If he (or she) comes back tonight and takes the bait I'll stand off (up wind) 50 yards and blast little stinky into next week. After things settle down (police reports & such) I'll dispose of the little varmint proper like with a burial fit for a skunk. I'm gonna take it to city hall and drop it off in the night depository.
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Another entrance

We were messing around in Coffee Cave the other day. It has a bunch of entrances.

Right in the middle of the day a skunk dashed in front of us into one entrance. I mentioned rabies. My companion, Tom, who works at a national park, mentioned that they see a lot of skunks during the middle of the day. Me, I have killed rabid skunks during the middle of the day.

We didn't use the entrance the skunk used. We were prudent and used another one.

How much more conservative can you get?

I'm glad I am not the mayor of your town.... oh well they can burn up more of your taxes cleaning it up. At least you will know where some of your tax money went....
Moth Balls

For critters like that and those that crawl under your house to raise families or die, use moth balls to get rid of them. A great toy you can make is get a piece of 3/4 inch PVC pipe with an air compressor to shoot the moth balls a greater distance than just throwing them by hand so the area is covered with moth balls. The smell will drive them out. Also works well in attics. The smell will not bother you in the house, that is unless your house has lots of holes in it.
For critters like that and those that crawl under your house to raise families or die, use moth balls to get rid of them. A great toy you can make is get a piece of 3/4 inch PVC pipe with an air compressor to shoot the moth balls a greater distance than just throwing them by hand so the area is covered with moth balls. The smell will drive them out. Also works well in attics. The smell will not bother you in the house, that is unless your house has lots of holes in it.

Nice..... I tried your trick, hit a car on the road, and shot the neighbor's window out. I have not seen any skunks though! Maybe it is the aircompressor running full tilt! ;)

Nice..... I tried your trick, hit a car on the road, and shot the neighbor's window out. I have not seen any skunks though! Maybe it is the aircompressor running full tilt! ;)
Almost as much fun as a potato gun...
Well, here is the plan for Peppie La Pew . I have a Havaheart trap set with dog food in it. If he (or she) comes back tonight and takes the bait I'll stand off (up wind) 50 yards and blast little stinky into next week. After things settle down (police reports & such) I'll dispose of the little varmint proper like with a burial fit for a skunk. I'm gonna take it to city hall and drop it off in the night depository.

A more common approach is to tie a long string to the cage before the skunk gets in. Then, with the skunk in the cage and you at the far end of the string, you drag the cage/skunk into a body of water and wait for the bubbles to stop. Then you can take him to city hall. :D

That being said, I wouldn't have the heart to kill one unless it was acting unusual or threatening. My parents have several on their property, and they are generally not a problem. The dogs, cats, and other animals don't seem to be bothered by them either. My mother was sprayed by one once, but that was because she mistook it for the barn cat in the darkness and reached down to pet it - can't really blame the skunk for that. Another time a skunk stood up on its back legs and hissed at my mother. In the middle of the day. That earned him a dirt nap in an undisclosed location courtesy of a pellet rifle.

Said skunk made a return trip last night and sprayed something. We could smell skunk real bad. We now have a live trap set with dog food in it. Should be fun!