
Well Known Member
...fly if I want to! OK, well maybe it is really, "It's my birthday and I can..."

I started a new job a couple months ago [huge blessing], and there was supposed to be a week off between gigs for Scott and I to head out on an adventure. Due to circumstances, that week of entertainment disappeared faster than a snowball in Texas in July.

So what is one to do when the birthday rolls around? We head west to join the bigger RV family birthday, of course! I'm sure it will be epic, as any adventure should be. It starts Wednesday around lunchtime as we make a couple of afternoon legs for an overnight in Deming, NM.

We are used to Tex-Mex in central Texas and are looking forward to starting the adventure with a New Mexico flavor. Any local dining insights out there from our VAF family? We could also use some suggestions for a brunch stop in Phoenix.

The ultimate goal:

Well Happy Bday!

Get in touch with RV7Guy for lunch in Phoenix. Just my take as a tourist trying to devour the local fare.....

I?ve enjoyed Espo?s A couple times and it?s close to P19:

If you can squeeze into Sky Habor Carolina?s is just a short curteousy car drive away:

Chandler?s airport restaurant was decent:

It?s hard to beat the view, cooler temps, fuel prices and easy in/out at KPAN and the Pie selection at the Crosswinds restaurant.


If we were flying from Deming to Vegas area we would stop at Sedona. Good food and MUCH more scenic. I think you and Scott would really enjoy the airport loop around the top of the peak where the airport is.

Agree with Andy that the caf? in Chandler is decent standard fare airport food.


Brunch at Payson, AZ. Good prices self serve. Good food. View of the runway from the cafe. and COOLER than PHX. 5000 ft. elevation.

If we were flying from Deming to Vegas area we would stop at Sedona. Good food and MUCH more scenic. I think you and Scott would really enjoy the airport loop around the top of the peak where the airport is.

Agree with Andy that the caf? in Chandler is decent standard fare airport food.


I've gotta second the Sedona suggestion. The approach is magnificent and the food is great! Make sure you ask for the 10-percent pilot discount.
Thanks for the suggestions. Payton and Sedona sound interesting. Food on the field is very appealing, as is cooler temps.

It?s hard to beat the view, cooler temps, fuel prices and easy in/out at KPAN and the Pie selection at the Crosswinds restaurant.

PIE? Did someone say Pie?

Hey I've bicycled across that bridge!

Wow, you are braver than I am. That bridge is impressive even from the air!
Black Hills Fly -In

Clint Is having his Black Hills Fly In Sep 12-15. KHSR. Hot Springs, SD
Tobin is coming. I?m leaving in the morning Wednesday Sept 11.
I?m staying with Vetterman?s . Some camp, some hotel it .
If Deming is your efficient stop they have a courtesy car (beat up van). They will give you the gate access code in case you need to leave super early in the morning. There is a Holiday Inn Express and other standard offerings.

For Mexican food then Benji's or Irma's are your best bet. Don't judge either by their exterior. They are good. Remeber that you will be in one of the most prolific Hatch Chile growing areas. Hatch, NM about 45 miles away, doesn't grow as much Chile as the Uvas Valley or Deming and Hatch Chile is a marketing campaign more than the town itself. Now, if you are feeling adventurous then the Adobe Deli steakhouse is a unique experience out in the boonies East of the Florida Mountains. 20 minute ride from the airport in the beater van. Middle of nowhere but great food. Steakhouse with a Southwestern flair and very casual and rustic. Were you flying a Super Cub or Husky you could land on a caliche road nearby but not recommended for an RV.

If your lodging doesn't include a Continental breakfast you can eat at the Grande Hotel Cafe (Deming local favorite) or IHOP. Or take off early and stop into Payson for breakfast.

If you decide to land 20 minutes earlier you could stop in Las Cruces which has more aminities in town and dine in Old Mesilla at likes of La Posta or the Double Eagle. Keep in mind Deming is municipal run (with good help) and Las Cruces has Francis Aviation FBO (nice) so check with both for crew cars, operating hours for fuel etc...

As for the next stop I agree it's hard to beat either Payson on the Mugollon Rim or "The SS Sedona" plateau aircraft carrier.

.7 Miles

The trip is off to a great start. Scott and I worked half a day, and we were airborne by 2. Our normal MO would have been to start bright and early tomorrow morning, but we thought we’d try a different approach for this 1000nm trip and break it into two days. It only cost us half a day extra of vacation by leaving in the afternoon. Yes, a bit risky with summertime storms popping up over West Texas, but they are usually ‘fly-around-able’.

As expected, we did run into some good sets of thunderstorms, but it was far from a solid line. ATC was constantly providing updates for other flyers out that direction of 50nm ahead, severe precipitation about 30nm in diameter, deviations left or right of course approved.

Definitely ‘Advanced VFR’. For us, convection and IFR don’t mix.



We traversed around a few cells, and made our way to KINK for fuel. Easy in and out. The runways were ok, but I think I’d define them as fair as opposed to good. Much to our surprise, it wasn’t hot. I was thanking those storms for their shade and rain-cooled-air. Then it was off to dodge a few more cells. After making a course line that a drunken sailor would be proud of, the sun came out and so did the heat and bumps. That meant it was up to 14.5 for smooth and cool air.

An hour later, it was time to start the decent for Deming, NM. I announced it felt like we were cheating since it was such a short flying day. Scott simply announced we were 10 miles to the east, landing 26.

We taxied over to the FBO, and they hooked us up with a courtesy car (Tony called it the Maserati) for the evening and some gas for the airplane. You just gotta stop in Deming to meet Tony and see the avgas truck setup - genius. I also got a discount for paying cash, and I’m convinced he rounded down.


The greeters at the FBO

We first tried Benji’s for dinner. Google maps said .7 miles. It was closed. It looked like for some repairs. Then we headed to Irma’s. Google again said .7 miles. Jim was 100% spot on, ignore the facade and walk in to enjoy a very tasty Mexican dinner. Hint - don’t wait for the check. Everything is electronic, so just walk up to the cash register and someone will be over to settle the bill. Scott did order the chile rellenos and was very happy. I tried the gorditas and had to waddle out since I couldn’t stop eating. Thanks for the suggestions, Jim.



We found the hotel, grabbed a shower, and need to solidify plans for tomorrow. Yep, you guessed it, the hotel was .7 miles. It seems everything in Deming is .7 miles.
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Reposition to Vegas

Thursday started with a run to a 24-hour Walmart store to pick up Stratux supplies. Investigation last night showed the micro USB connector to be less than stable. Just a little jiggling, and off went the device. Even holding the connector in wasn’t a sure-fire way to keep it running. Wallyworld yielded a new cable, soldering iron, and some solder. We will try the easy solution first. Back to the hotel for breakfast, pack up the overnight bag, and off to the airport.

We said bye to Tony and loaded up, pointing the nose to Sedona per the several suggestions here. We wondered aloud just how much the altitude would kick our behinds on the hike at 5000 feet. We live around 900 msl.

Some folks sure know how to dig a hole:

After an uneventful flight, we landed in Sedona. The wind over and around the rock formations made the approach to the SS Sedona Mesa Aircraft Carrier very eventful. Scott handled the challenge with minimal swear words and made a smooth touchdown, no arresting cables needed.


The turbulence was a standard high desert induced tumbler kind of day. It isn’t anything an RV can’t handle without blinking an eye, but it would surely grab the attention of pilots not expecting it. It sure did us the first couple of times decades ago. At times, it is the wind blowing up a mountain edge and tossing you around some when it has otherwise been smooth. At other times, it is the thermals and rollers. You can be cruising along at 150 knots, catch a thermal that encourages you to point the nose down to maintain altitude, but as soon as you exit the thermal, the speed decays and you’re at 110 knots to maintain altitude. You just need to be prepared to adjust your performance expectations and not get concerned with the changes. In the climb to 14.5, take advantage of the thermals, point the nose up to slow down and stay in the thermal longer. Again, just be ready to change attitude as soon as you exit the thermal. Glider training really did teach us something.

After we parked at the FBO, we procured some water and ice and headed for the Airport Loop trail. The loop was just as scenic as advertised. It was also moderately challenging as advertised. It wasn’t much elevation change, but you very much have to watch every step. We read about some folks who biked the trail, and while we are relatively adventurous on a mountain bike, we can only deduce those same people (if self-preservation was in their interest) never went back. The loop, plus the trail to get to it and back was a little over 4 miles and took us about 2.5 hours, with ample stops for picture taking. It was more steps than a normal mile, too. My stepper had 13,000 steps for the trek, which for 4 miles should have been closer to 8,000. It was worth the hike, but don’t engage the idea lightly and bring plenty of water.




Hard to miss the signage when it is brand new:

So really, you need a gate here?

Here is DOWN the other direction:

Mesa Grill served us up a tasty lunch (hat tip to Jim for the discount hint), and then off to Las Vegas. We had friends that were kind enough to find some hangar space for us, so 22C is living it up large as well. We can’t thank our friends Mark and Pat enough for securing hangar space for us.


The stratux stayed up for the 3 hours of flying time today. We may have to dodge some rain on Sunday, so hopefully it behaves itself and the solution is as simple as a new cable.

Our car got upgraded from an intermediate to a Mustang convertible. Vegas temps a bit cooler than normal, a convertible, what could go wrong?

To finish the day, we shuffled to the hotel, finally washed off the red dust from Sedona, found some munchies (Irma’s was much better), and set off to recover for tomorrow’s adventures.

Since Rosie is why we are here, I’ll say his words...Keep Pounding Those Rivets!!!
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Holy Calico Tanks Trail, Batman!

Friday morning’s plan was to execute on a desire formed during our first visit to Red Rock Canyon a decade ago. We ended up at the park on a whim with a group, enjoyed the scenic drive, and walked a 3/4 mile trail. Ever since, we knew we wanted to go back and traverse a couple trails the right way, with plenty of time and water.

The first trail of the day was incredible, and I’d hike it over and over and over. It is called Calico Tanks Trail. It is tucked on the back side of the park’s most prominent red scenery. It is quite a hike, but not like one I’ve ever done in a national park, and if you knew my dad, you’d know I’ve done A LOT of trails in national and state parks. You aren’t just getting a really close-up view of the rocks, you are climbing all over them. Sometimes with hands and behinds for stability.


The hike rises through a canyon of white and red rocks and boulders. The signs on the way in tell you to stay on the trail, which we would have if we could have figured out what was actually the trail. The trail-head was marked, along with a pointer or two at the start, but after that there wasn’t any guidance ... just scramble up where it looked best. We kept going to the ‘tank’, which is a huge rock pool where water collects (with just a hint of water in September after a Nevada summer).


Then made our way along the edge a little further to get a spectacular view of the valley. What a birthday view!


Amazing, simply amazing. The best view I’ve had from the ground in, well, I can’t remember.


Then we spent a little more time in Ice Box Canyon. It was a neat hike as well, with the last section down on the canyon floor, where it was relatively cool and in the shade at times. The boulders on this hike were even more massive.


Plants have sure figured out some unique ways to handle a dry climate. The live branches of this bush had a red, almost plastic coating on them.


The afternoon was spent doing a little relaxing by the pool and packing. The evening entertainment was LaReve. It was quite enjoyable and a standard Vegas show. The round stage design meant there wasn’t a bad seat in the house.

Then off to the hotel to rest up for the next adventure.
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The Reason for Vegas 2019

Today was the event that prodded our birthday trek to Las Vegas. Happy decade-crossing birthday to Rosie!

The day started with an 8am brief for a flying tour. We cruised over the Grand Canyon, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Red Rock Canyon, and made a pass over the strip. Thanks much to our tour guide, Mark Delaney, who coordinated everything. The tour group came back exhilarated with the scenery. There were a couple folks there that had been wanting to try an in-the-ear headset, and as always, we had a couple CQ1 headsets on-board and sent them out for their own Vegas Valley tour.



The other side of the view from yesterday.

We spent the middle part of the day at Hoover Dam, taking the full dam tour. As usual, I read the signs and Scott inspected the hardware. Obviously, it is an impressive place, but good grief, security was much crankier than the TSA during a blizzard in Chicago. Fortunately, the tour guides were much more personable.



The view above came from this tunnel inside the dam.



To end the day, we returned for food, cake, and story time at the Dulaney’s hangar.


If you stay in Vegas, Boulder City (KBVU) is a great outlying airport with good prices and service. BFE is the FBO we have frequented and have been quite happy. Isn’t the name great?

Tomorrow, our magic carpet will transport us back to Texas.
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Sunday finds us back home in Austin. We were thankful the stratux kept working as we ended up with a couple hundred miles of sketchy weather. The IFR ticket came in useful, although it was a surprising place this time over the high desert of New Mexico. After a couple hours in some light rain and lots of clouds, 22C had to de-water herself after we landed at E11. At first I thought we had a huge fuel leak, but I calmed down quickly when I realized it was just Mother Nature and physics playing a trick on me.


Once again, a machine that was designed by Vans Aircraft and painstakingly built in a garage by two people with no airplane construction knowledge, but who did possess the right amount of tenacity, took us half way across the country in a day in order to enjoy some of what our country has to offer and celebrate an important day with a great friend.

If you’re still building, keep at it. Every rivet, bolt, wire, and frustration will yield a plane that doesn’t just bring you places but builds a whole new family.
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Great update

Excellent trip report Tanya! Pretty country up there.

Wish I could of made the trip to see Rosie for his Big Day.

My wife saw your CQ headset and is pushing to try it soon. She always complains about here hair with the Bose and said why didn't you tell me about this kind.... :D

And I thought something much different when I first saw this puddle once parked at the pumps. The picture looks like the classic brake failure. Until I saw the water streaming down from the wing root :).

I think I got well over an hour of actual IMC in rain yesterday. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have gotten home otherwise.

I'm sure Tanya has lots more pictures to post this evening.

Daryl, Just tell your wife to hit the BUY button :). She'll be in very good company. We did a 1.5hr gaggle flight around the sights in Vegas on Sat. with 5 airplanes. 3 of them flying the CQ1 and two not. During all of the sight seeing chit-chat, the comparison against the non-CQ1 on the radio was amazing. We sold some headsets right there on the spot.
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Love the CQ and Red Rocks

First, I was/am a Zulu user and fan through and through. I am now using the CQ headset from Scott and Tanya. It's that good, you will not be disappointed!

Second, I learned to fly in Prescott...12 mins in a 172 from Sedona. I really miss the daily beauty of the SW desert!

Sounds like you guys had a great trip.:)
Another Round of Pictures

Scott promised more pictures last night, but I needed to get some headsets ready for shipping, so here is another round before work today. I will have some more time this evening.

The seating outside the Deming FBO.

A quiet ramp with the maserati.

Approaching Sedona.

Courtesy bikes at Sedona.

I have to give my Stein shout-out for the shirts. And yes, that is the narrow trail with a long, bumpy way down.

More red to go with the rocks.

A final panorama of Sedona. (Link to a larger image)

TFR outside of Sedona for the fire making this smoke. We made a deviation around the smoke trail.
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The Dang Dam

A panoramic view from Calico Tanks Trail. (larger size)

The birthday crew.

A fancy dam tunnel.


I like my exercise, but I'm glad the elevator was working.

Great trip write up guys! Thanks for taking the time to write it. I grew up just outside that giant hole in the ground and my father was an industrial relations guy at the mine.