
Well Known Member
it's cold and humid, my plane is close to being done. All I really have left to do is sanding and painting but lots of it.

I am sitting in front of the computer looking for things to delay going out to the shop. It's like hitting a wall. You just don't want to go out there and pick up the sandpaper.

At times like this I look up one of Pierre Smith's posts and re read his signature block.

It's never skill or craftsmanship that completes airplanes, it's the will to do so,
Patrick Kenny, EAA 275132

Uggggh one more cup of coffee and maybe look at the planes for sale on e bay again then just maybe I will get up the will to do so.
determined to fly it finish painted?

If painting and sanding is a big non motivator for you, why don't you go fly? Is the plane close to flying?

which plane are you working on?
Ha ha

I did it both ways and believe me painting before flying as far better.

Can you imagine taking apart your perfect airplane to spend a few hundred hours painting...NOOO..:)
