
Well Known Member
Its all Doug's fault. I drew out what I wanted and gave the painter a printout of the VAF home page for example. He liked the picture better than my drawing so this is how it turned out on the vertical stab.

I'm glad he paints better than I can draw!!!!!!

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Color and scheme look nice

Color and scheme look nice but I couldn't help but notice the ears fwd Nav antenna installation. I remove the elements on mine when racing. Intuitively I have to believe the fwd facing installation increases drag. People may tell you that A models are slower anyway but I have a lot of race results (www.sportairrace.org) that show if you pay attention to detail that isn't true. Mississippi isn't too far away, maybe I'll get to see your completed plane first hand some day.

Bob Axsom
RV-6A, Race #71
Even smaller A

I like how you de-emphasized the "A" Webb.....;-)

The A was supposed to just fit under the 7 so the wings had a straight line on the right side. Note quite but close. Not so much to de-emphasize but to make it fit. Not exactly as planned but still turned out well.

Yes Doug - you are to blame (and I like the result)

Bob - I debated on the antenna direction. Just happened to face that direction. Technically, it shoud be more accurate since the force of air springs the antenna back into a more conventional dipole instead of an V antenna. Probably doesn't make a hill of beans difference. I might change it later but too much other to do. BTW - wings, horz and vert stab got hung today.