
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It's not as dramatic as a "First Flight" announcement, but it sure is satisfying....

Tonight at about 1900 local, I ran out of things to do on the plane to prepare for first engine start, so we rolled her out on the pad and started the big fan for the first time. We had to crank it with the lower plugs out for just a little over thirty seconds to get oil pressure, and then she started on the third blade. Total run time was about ten minutes, spread over three runs, with leak checks in between. Cycled the prop on the third run, and that worked well too.

The Mattituck TMX-360 was smoother than any piston engine I have ever sat behind - I couldn't believe it! (Many thanks to Mahlon andht efine folks on Long Island!) Not only did she run beautifully, but every aircraft system that I checked was working correclty - a big tribute to the constant integration testing and system burn-in that we've have been doing since power first got on the main bus. I cannot recomend this strongly enough for people building all-electric airplanes - buy yourself a good 12 volt power supply and connect it up early inthe wiring process. Run it every time you are in the shop, and check each item as it gets installed - by thetime you reach the point I'm at, you'll have hundreds of hours on the system, you will have fixed each little problem as it arose, and there will be few surprises.

Except, of course, how surprisingly good it feels to be sitting in your project with the prop turning on a fine evening while the sun sets..... :)

Paul Dye
Turning to the hundreds of details before inspection...
I cannot recomend this strongly enough for people building all-electric airplanes - buy yourself a good 12 volt power supply and connect it up early inthe wiring process.

I am to this point now Paul. Do you have any recomendations for power supplies or places to purchase them?

"I cannot recomend this strongly enough for people building all-electric airplanes - buy yourself a good 12 volt power supply and connect it up early inthe wiring process. "

I am to this point now Paul. Do you have any recomendations for power supplies or places to purchase them?

dwilson said:
"I cannot recomend this strongly enough for people building all-electric airplanes - buy yourself a good 12 volt power supply and connect it up early inthe wiring process. "

I am to this point now Paul. Do you have any recomendations for power supplies or places to purchase them?

If you have a battery installed, then you can use a good trickle charger to keep the battery topped off. I used
this one

If you are going to wait on installing a battery, you'd need a regulated 12V power supply that can put out enough amps for moving flap motors, checking comms/xpnd etc. Above 6 amps, they get big and expensive. Fry's electronics has a good cheap one, but they don't do mail order. I searched on the web and couldn't find one for you easily.

I'd just put in a battery and leave a smart trickle charger connected.
I bought a Pyramid 40 Amp DC power supply in order to have enough headroom to run everything (including start-up transients). A found a place on the web - Valco, in Louisiana - that had it for about half the price of my local electronics supply store and Fry's. It might seem like overkill, but it was really nice to have an amp meter right there to look at when you're turning things on for the first time - shorts are instantly apparent, and you can turn stuff off before you you smell smoke....
