Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
In what is a major mile stone for our little company, we are shipping Odysseys as fast as we can get them through final testing and calibration.

We have a huge backlog of orders but we should be able to clear the backlog before the end of January, just in time for the second production batch to come knocking at our doors.

The Odyssey web page has been updated and you can download preliminary versions of the user manual and installation docs as well as the new Odyssey Screen designer and simulator (Windows application).


From all of us here at MGL,


CEO MGL Avionics
That is truly great news, Ranier! Congratulations!

I'm assuming the manual and screen designer will be the same for the Voyager, so I'm going to d/l them and familiarize myself. :D
Rainier any chance of getting a copy of the manual without all that compression on the screen shots? I know this will make the file larger but it is hard to see how well the resolution you are offering will look with all that compression on the screen captures.
Rainier any chance of getting a copy of the manual without all that compression on the screen shots? I know this will make the file larger but it is hard to see how well the resolution you are offering will look with all that compression on the screen captures.

Unfortunately the images in the manual are jpeg compressed with a reasonably high compression ratio - it just gets too big otherwise - the manual still needs to have a few chapters added which I am now doing as I go along (much of it is based on the Enigma manual).

I suggest you download the simulator - the screen resolution of the simulator is exactly the same as the real instrument, i.e. one pixel on the simulator equals one pixel on the real instrument.

CEO MGL Avionics
That is truly great news, Ranier! Congratulations!

I'm assuming the manual and screen designer will be the same for the Voyager, so I'm going to d/l them and familiarize myself. :D

Yes. Voyager is 100% identical to Odyssey, it just is a little smaller.

CEO MGL Avionics
Congrats on the shipping! I've been playing with the sim all morning, it's a blast. Nice job all around!

It's not 100% complete yet - in particular the new sensor fusion navigation engine will receive a lot of attention in the next weeks as we gather experience with the exact behaviour of various autopilot systems and navigation sources (mainly ARINC based ones).

But then, like Enigma, a project like this is never complete - the goals just keep moving...

CEO MGL Avionics
Rainier, could you tell us a little bit about the screen refresh rate?

Are the numbers still at 10Hz? How about the graphical refresh?
Rainier, could you tell us a little bit about the screen refresh rate?

Are the numbers still at 10Hz? How about the graphical refresh?

Nothing has changed.
Every item lives it its own domain as refresh is concerned. Some things require rapid updating, others get updated at lower rates.
The actual screen refresh (if that is what you mean) is run at 50 per second with a total data rate around 450 MBits/second.
Generally, engine and primary flight instrumentation display updates are at around 4 Hz (the limit above which you get blur if things change too fast), horizon, gyro stuff, headings tend to run at 10 Hz (little to no advantage if you go faster due to the time it takes for pixels to change state on the display) - we rather use the CPU time for more useful things.
The display uses an extreme temperature range liquid which is slower than one that would be optimized for say, video images. For an EFIS, temperature is more important. The Odyssey display can operate at -40 to +180 degrees F which is pretty much the largest possible temperature range available.

Oh yes - don't base your ideas on the simulator display - that one runs a lot slower. 5 Hz for the horizon if you have a fast display card. That is due to the mixture of Direct-X and conventional Windows GDI drawing.
The simulator runs actual code that also runs on the real instrument (which is why they behave so similar) but the simulator is burdened with additional tasks to simulate the hardware of Odyssey which has the benifit of running four processors simulaneously, one of which sports a dual 32 bit external bus.
It's pretty cutting edge stuff and it's been a challenge to put this together. Now we need to start looking at the next level...

CEO MGL Avionics
Sounds good!

Even on my PC (e6300, 4gb ram, 7900gt) the display seemed to be updating somewhere around 1Hz. I'm hoping to get a chance to see all of the MGL stuff in person. Are you guys going to have a sun n fun booth this year?

Congrats .........

Hummmm, I am L@@King for the mid-size..........The smaller one with Arinc.....

Has the name been chosen yet.....?
Sounds good!

Even on my PC (e6300, 4gb ram, 7900gt) the display seemed to be updating somewhere around 1Hz. I'm hoping to get a chance to see all of the MGL stuff in person. Are you guys going to have a sun n fun booth this year?

The GPS simulator works at a 1Hz rate - so that is what you are seeing. Everything that is dependent on information is updated at 1Hz on the simulator.
On the real instrument the GPS is running at 4Hz.

CEO MGL Avionics
Congrats .........

Hummmm, I am L@@King for the mid-size..........The smaller one with Arinc.....

Has the name been chosen yet.....?

The mid-size is Voyager at 8.4" screen size and the new "baby" Odyssey is newly named "Explorer" (5.7"). The Explorer name has been choosen via a poll on the Stratomaster group.

all of these are 100% Odyssey, just different sized and they all have ARINC-429 as standard.

CEO MGL Avionics
The mid-size is Voyager at 8.4" screen size and the new "baby" Odyssey is newly named "Explorer" (5.7")......

CEO MGL Avionics

Isn't the Enigma also 5.7"?? If so, what's the difference between Enigma and Explorer? Or should I call them Odyssey 10.4, Odyssey 8.4, and Odyssey 5.7. :confused::eek:
Enigma vs Explorer

Yes, they're both 5.7". The Enigma has been around a while, whereas the Explorer has not been released yet. My understanding is that it will be out sometime next year, and will have all the bells and whistles of the Odyssey, but in a smaller box. Basically the Odyssey, Voyager and Explorer will all be the same other than their size.
Where do I download the terrain, vector, airspace and waypoint files?

Airspace and vector map files from our data server (link on the Enigma page). Terrain data (GTOPO30 DEM files) you can find from multiple places on the net - use Google to find them (we supply all of that on DVD).
Waypoint and airport info download from www.Navaid.com in GPX format and import into Enigma FlightPlanner (free download). From there you export waypoint.ewd and airports.ewd files for use with instrument (or simulator).
FlightPlanner is also used as editor for the waypoint and airport data so you can easily add you own stuff.

CEO MGL Avionics
Isn't the Enigma also 5.7"?? If so, what's the difference between Enigma and Explorer? Or should I call them Odyssey 10.4, Odyssey 8.4, and Odyssey 5.7. :confused::eek:

Enigma and Odyssey should be seen as two different lines of instruments.

Odyssey, Voyager and Explorer are effectively identical and use the same software and screen resolutions and they are also compatible in looks (so you could consider for example an Odyssey with an Explorer as second screen).

Enigma is a different line with different hardware and software but with a lower cost and slightly different (but overlapping) application areas.

The 5.7" Explorer is not a replacement for Enigma - in many respects Enigma makes a better panel if this is the size of your primary panel while Explorer is mainly intended to be a secondary panel to Voyager or Odyssey (or if you need all the fancy NAV stuff and simply don't have the panel space).
The physical pixel size of Enigma makes for a better display if you want to use this screen size as your primary panel.
Enigma, due to its rugged nature is also more suitable for open cockpit aircraft and it has as result found popular application on trikes (despite us advising against that). For similar reasons it also has become very popular in helicopters allthough there is at least one helicopter manufacturer that is currently changing their instrument pod to take an Odyssey.

CEO MGL Avionics
The mid-size is Voyager at 8.4" screen size and the new "baby" Odyssey is newly named "Explorer" (5.7"). The Explorer name has been choosen via a poll on the Stratomaster group.

all of these are 100% Odyssey, just different sized and they all have ARINC-429 as standard.

CEO MGL Avionics

So I won???


12-06-2007, 06:07 AM
GrayHawk Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: TexaRado
Posts: 238


Originally Posted by Rainier Lamers
This one does not have a name yet - Suggestions anyone ?

CEO MGL Avionics

Overused but fitting : 'Explorer'
Flying RV-6A, O320-D1A, Sensenich FP, ~300 hours RV-6A, 400 hours total, 20 hours TW
Hoping for RV-6,7

Hi GrayHawk,
So I won???

Overused but fitting : 'Explorer'
Flying RV-6A, O320-D1A, Sensenich FP, ~300 hours RV-6A, 400 hours total, 20 hours TW
Hoping for RV-6,7
I was asked to compile an official "name entry list" before the poll opened (which I did). The list contains the names submitted, the name of the person that submitted the name, the time and date on which the name was submitted (to the minute) and the source (Yahoo or VAF). The list contains approximately 55 names, which we had to reduce to 25.

Unfortunately I don't have the list with me ... since it is at work ... and I am writing this post from home.

But if memory serves me right: yes to that!! I believe you are the winner. Some other names were submitted twice by more than one person, but Explorer (if memory serves me right) was not one of them. I will confirm within 18 hours from now. Life is a bit crazy thanks to Odyssey shipping!

BTW: my vote would have been with Apollo (my original suggestion for what is now labelled Voyager), but since the name Apollo is already in use in the instrument industry, it is one of the names that did not make it to the poll...

Hi GrayHawk,

I was asked to compile an official "name entry list" before the poll opened (which I did). The list contains the names submitted, the name of the person that submitted the name, the time and date on which the name was submitted (to the minute) and the source (Yahoo or VAF). The list contains approximately 55 names, which we had to reduce to 25.

Unfortunately I don't have the list with me ... since it is at work ... and I am writing this post from home.

But if memory serves me right: yes to that!! I believe you are the winner. Some other names were submitted twice by more than one person, but Explorer (if memory serves me right) was not one of them. I will confirm within 18 hours from now. Life is a bit crazy thanks to Odyssey shipping!

BTW: my vote would have been with Apollo (my original suggestion for what is now labelled Voyager), but since the name Apollo is already in use in the instrument industry, it is one of the names that did not make it to the poll...

Believe 'Explorer' was submitted more than once, but also believe I was first with response on VAF right after Rainier asked about names.

In any event, winner or not, I feel it got the right name. The series naming (Odyssey, Voyager, Explorer) seems to be that of a new, more open approach, to navigation for small planes; sort of exploring new territory for the small light plane, without the need to pay an 'arm & a leg" for up-front & recurring costs.

Also like the use of 'buses' (RDAC, IOEX, Airtalk). That is going to cut down on the ratz nest of wiring needed by traditional instrumentation.
And the winner is...

Believe 'Explorer' was submitted more than once, but also believe I was first with response on VAF right after Rainier asked about names.
And the winner is... Gray Hawk! Congratulations!! You will be receiving the first Explorer unit off the production line. May the two of you enjoy many hours of safe flying!

(PS: quite right: the name was submitted twice, but you saw it first, only here on VAF! :D)

Best Regards,
Feeling Neglected

And the winner is... Gray Hawk! Congratulations!! You will be receiving the first Explorer unit off the production line. May the two of you enjoy many hours of safe flying!

(PS: quite right: the name was submitted twice, but you saw it first, only here on VAF! :D)

Best Regards,

Now I am Feeling Neglected, can I have #2.......
Would you happen to have overall panel dimensions for the explorer...?

No idea yet.
I'm just now finalizing the housing dimensions for Voyager so we can start producing the mold.
Explorer effectively should be very similar to Enigma as far as overall size is concerned, perhaps a tad wider to cater for the additinal keys and rotary controls.
However, apart from that, Explorer is further down the line than Voyager as we have a nice display (over 1500 nits TFT) for it. We are still fighting a little over the Voyager display (but at least the dimensions are now fixed so I can continue).

We will do the mold for Voyager first even though Explorer could be faster to market - we have a 5.7" with Enigma anyway and I really want two Voyagers for myself - they will be a sweet fit for my Jora, just what the doctor ordered...

I expect Explorer around middle of 2008 while Voyager should set forth around March/April.

Electronics for both Voyager and Explorer have been completed.

CEO MGL Avionics.
And the winner is... Gray Hawk! Congratulations!! You will be receiving the first Explorer unit off the production line. May the two of you enjoy many hours of safe flying!

(PS: quite right: the name was submitted twice, but you saw it first, only here on VAF! :D)

Best Regards,

I'm honored.... It will be given a good home.

In the meantime, I'm also on the USA list for the Voyager as part of the panel upgrade for my older RV-6A. Happy Days! :)

"My Co-pilot is an Explorer"
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Rainier, did you say you would be at sun n fun this year???

No I won't.
Couple of members of our flying club are going (and I got pressurised a lot), but I think I should rather opt for Osh this year - It's time to give Matt a hand on the stand and I've never been to Osh so it's a gap I have to fill. No time to do both S&F and Osh - too much to do, too little time, story of my life.

CEO MGL Avionics