
Well Known Member
Here I am returning from my Alaskan journey enjoying good weather and different scenery. The plan of the day was to fly over some highly industrialized country in the Dakotas and by several well known monuments in Wyoming. In the plan was also included a brief visit with my good buddy Glen Sterling who lives a very interesting life in Hulett, WY. I planned to end my long flying day somewhere in ND with a prearranged pilot lounge...

Typical local landscape. A yellow river.

Monstrous open coal mines.

The longest train I've ever seen. It folds in two and loops around.

Crazy Horse Monument.

Mount Rushmore.

There is a procedure for scenic overflying of those monuments. There is a separate frequency and recommended altitude. If you are not familiar ask Ellsworth Approach and they would gladly explain it to you time permitting.

Devils Tower.

I landed at Hulett airport in Wyoming to say hi to Glen Sterling and get some gas. First I met Glen two years ago and we went for a ride in my RV over the red rocks.

You are going nowhere he said. It's getting late why don't we pick up my wife Connie and go for dinner by Devils Tower... then you stay with us...

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When I travel I always meet fascinating people. People knowledgeable and industrious who achieved a lot in their lives. The Sterlings are of these kind.

... to be continued...
Back in the days when I was in high school Glen rode bulls for living.

Then he worked for the state controlling population of prairie dogs. From a J3 Cub. He can tell you stories.

Here at his barn

he reengineered this mechanism. The patenting didn't happen he told me why I forgot.

Look what he got in the house.

This is a view from the backyard.

We ended the day at the base of the Tower with a nice dinner.

Drove back home for more stories.

The sleep was deep...
Next morning on the way to the airport we stopped for a breakfast at a Post. It was called Hitching but someone substituted first letter with a B looked very funny and cool. The talk inside the tavern was the same :D

Bye little trap town.

I am on the way out.

See you soon Big Tooth.

There will be a Piper Cub flyin at this strip soon (Hi Clint) I couldn't make it :D

Time for IFR to the next day of adventures not a single car for miles and miles ... ;)

Great shots.

When we fly to Vegas from Manchester, our routing drops down out of Canada over Great falls area. We then get a variety of routes down towards Salt Lake City.

Last time we went by Rushmore, last year I went straight over Devils Tower and had to explain to the younger F/O why it was significant and why I was getting mildly excited.... Youth :rolleyes:

On the way back last week, we went about 20 miles south of the site of Custer's last stand by the Bighorn Mountains. What a contrast between west and east of the hills.

Vlad, you get a much better view - I am at FL370 - 410.