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I'm New Here
I am new to building and to this forum. Curreny looking at moving forward in the Kansas City area with building a RV14A. I live in Olathe KS area currently fly a RV9A. If anyone is working on a 14 or any aircraft for that matter in the area I would love to check out your work and pick your brain. I have never build an RV but have worked with sheetmetal my entire career as I am in the HVAC field.

I was lazy with my last AC and purchased it COMPLETED . Please help. My best quality is learning from others mistakes and listening, I'm sure there is a learning curve of should haves and should of mother Fudgeing nots. My email is [email protected] feel free to shoot me a message I can send my contact info over. I have allot of ideas of what I would like

Robert M
Sent from my iPhone
Hey Robert,

You should have a big leg up with working the sheet metal and basic tools if nothing else. A few years ago I added a DIY central air to my furnace, when the HVAC guy came out to charge the system he was impressed with my work retrofitting in the condenser and such, so I showed him around my a RV...
You are on the right .net for ideas and help...

I'm happy there is a forum such as this. I have allot of questions in terms of upgrading certain things, how many people primar all parts inside and out as they build. Planning on avionics as you build. I was planning on an all Garmin panel and autopilot. Are people installing servos in wings as they build or going back at the end and adding them? What about placement of the Air Data, Attitude and Heading Reference System (ADAHRS) Magnetometer? Are people painting the entire exterior as they go or wait till the end?

I'm like a kid the night before Christmas. I can hardly sleep thinking about planning and options.

How long do you think will take to build the RV in hours?

Welcome Robert. Not building a 14 but in my case, I installed the AP wing servo after finishing the wings but it can easily be done later.
Use the search function. Go to VAF forums. Scroll down to never ending debate....Primers. Set the search to "from the beginning". Quit your job, exile yourself from your family and friends and start reading and after 6 months reintroduce yourself to society. Every question related to primers in the history of mankind has been answered in the various threads. Enjoy your reading assignment. :)
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