
What are the most common controls/cable/features in the rear seat that pax tend to bump? Maybe this is a non-issue, not sure as I haven't flown it yet...

Good ways to safeguard? Without adding too much wgt?

If you have manual flaps, that would be my first item to brief pax on.
If you let your PX sit on a cushion or the like make sure they dont let it work its way out to where it starts pushing the stick forward. But if you do... make sure that you ask your PX if they may be touching the stick. and if they say no.... but you feel like maybe they have to be 'cause this is pretty freaking weird. Then please make sure that when you ask them if they are touching the stick that they know you mean not just with their hands...


Reminds me of a joke.
I dont remember where I heard it (probably here), but it went something like this...

PX: whats this do?
Pilot: its the PTT
PX: whats this lever do?
Pilot: Dont touch that! Its the canopy release.
PX: well, whats th...?
PX:well, what do I do if you pass out?
Pilot: If I pass out... -touch whatever you want.
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A generous helping of velcro on the bottom of the passenger seat and a thorough pre-flight briefing with the passenger while he/she is actually sitting in the rear seat, to point out any areas they need to be aware of. When in doubt, remove the rear control column if it stands to be an issue.
Rear seat stick comes out easily.

The only thing keeping the rear stick in the socket is a small #10 bolt. I normally fly with the rear stick stored in a side pocket and all it takes is a few seconds to stuff it in the control socket and that makes the rear stick functional for someone to hold a heading or altitude while the pilot is involved with something else. That's assuming you don't have an autopilot and altitude hold. For temporary use, you don't need the bolt inserted. Normally no one needs to use the rear stick and quick removal takes away all concerns of something carried in the rear seat coming in contact with the stick.