
Well Known Member
In Italy we we have our mini 'Oshkosh' event.

It's the EAA Chapter 459 Annual Meeting with the Airshow, EAA Chapter Meeting, Exhibitors, Fly-in, Gliders, Homebuilts, Ultralights and Vintage Aircraft'.

This year it was in Reggio Emilia were we celebrate our 40th meeting

The first, most important prize is the Trophy named 'Gianfranco Rotondi', an University Professor who was a pioneer in the experimental aircraft Italian world.

Yesterday I won that Prize, it's a great achievement for me and I like to share here, without you, my friends, it was impossibile to reach it !

More pictures coming soon ....


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Nice job, Luke. Beautiful airplane! I guess that they don't penalize you for having the wheel on the wrong end :)
Congratulations, Luca!

Great job - I look forward to flying with you sometime this decade! :)
No surprise, Luke. What a beauty! I've always admired how great your RV looks. Maybe I'll get the chance to see it in person some day. We used to travel to Italy often, but we haven't been back in about 13 years now. Looks like we're past due for another visit!

Grande Luca, complimenti!
Purtroppo non sono potuto essere presente al CAP quest'anno per motivi di lavoro, mi avrebbe fatto piacere scambiare quattro chiacchiere con te e gli altri costruttori di RV. Sar? per l'anno prossimo :)
Congrats Luke!

One question ... that picture looks strange. Is your RV-8 a special "jumbo model" ? When I stand next to mine RV-8, my shoulder is at the top of the cowl :D

Congratulations Luke! That is one sweet looking should be proud of your accomplishment - your hard work has obviously paid off! Now you have to fly it across the pond so we can see it at Oshkosh next year!:)
Congrats Luke!

One question ... that picture looks strange. Is your RV-8 a special "jumbo model" ? When I stand next to mine RV-8, my shoulder is at the top of the cowl :D

Glen... Right!!! All those small foreigners like Vlad make us look big! :)

Ettore, I couldn't have said it better myself! Although I am Italian and cook some great meals, I cannot speak the language! hahaha

Nice work Luke!!!


Congratulations Luke! Way to to bring home the hardware! That picture you took at the airfield in the mountains is one of my favorite screen saver photos. You built a fabulous airplane.
Luke, I fly into Venice often. On the decent and approach I have often looked out at the scenery around your area and I can't think of a better place to own and fly a RV. Every flight around there looks like it would be a great adventure. Congratulations on your aircraft and its win at the fly in. One day I may have to talk you into a flight!
