
So I had a minor medical issue a little while back, nothing serious and nothing that would prevent me from passing a medical (double ear infections that took 3 weeks to get cleared up), but I’ve noticed that my tolerance for the bumps is way way down. Was up the other day on a reasonably calm day and was glad I had the sick sack in my pocket. It was not an enjoyable flight. Any advice in regaining I am ability to tolerate the bumps? Or is it just time in the air and exposure to train my brain that everything‘s OK?
If airsickness is a new thing, I am willing to bet your inner ear issues is not totally cleared up yet.

Bob burns
Hey Dan, might be worth visiting an Audiologist that does vestibular testing to see if there isn't lingering inner ear stuff going on.

Otherwise vitamin-G and exposure therapy! :)

Hope you get your air legs back quickly!
NAMI (Naval Air Med Inst) would have grounded you for 2-4 months after a bout like that. I'm no doc, but they took it very seriously, maybe because of the symptoms you're experiencing. For sure, worth getting checked out. Good luck!