
Well Known Member
I was out last night doing some practice simulated approaches and trying to use the timer built into the D100.

Ran into a couple issues and this is repeatable:

First thing you might run into is the fact that when you have the timer menu up and active, none of the HS34/AP74 knobs work.

The next thing I notice is that the timer basically disappears from the D100 when you leave the menu. The only place I can find the countdown is down on my D120 where I have the aux display set to show the timer items. (EDIT: Mel is correct...the manual sez the timer replaces the clock when active. So this one is most likely just me being ignorant on where to look...)

Third and more problematic is that after the timer counted down and alerted me thru the voice alert, the D100 appeared to basically lock up and not respond to button pushes for what seemed like 10-15 seconds but eventually broke loose and started responding to all the button presses that were cued up. It seemed to play thru all the buttons that I had pressed while it was locked up.

I have had this happen before but I thought it might be a fluke but it is not. I was on AP at the time using both axis's so that might have something to do with it. Not sure if it is repeatable without the AP running or not.

It seems I can repeat this issue at will.

Just wanted to warn anyone that may be using the timer that they might have an issue with their screen locking up and since allot of people may only use the timer in IMC....

The combo I have is:

D100 most of the time running 2/3 efis on left, 1/3 EHSI on right
D120 2/3 EMS, 1/3 aux stuff
both pitch and roll servos
running 5.4 firmware on all
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Not familiar with the D100, but on my D10A the timer replaces the clock while counting down. Everything else works normally.
EDIT: Mel is correct...the manual sez the timer replaces the clock when active. So this one is most likely just me being ignorant on where to look...

You know Mel, maybe it does on mine as well, I will check next time. Normally when I look in that corner of the EFIS, I am concentrating on the AP status indications which are directly below the clock. That may very well be that I was not looking in the correct place for the countdown.

Not familiar with the D100, but on my D10A the timer replaces the clock while counting down. Everything else works normally.
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