
Well Known Member
Isn't it funny how exciting it is to unbox a new Rv kit and inventory it. It felt like being a kid at Christmas today with my fuselage delivery😋
RV-8 QB kits: I've been waiting for that thrill for eight months now. In four days I will be into my ninth month. They've been in Oregon since January 4. Waiting for trucking. The. Anticipation. Is. Killing. Me. Can't sleep. Sick of the practice projects. It feels like a bad dream. Why am I telling you? Gotta tell someone. See the tagline of my signature. Thanks for listening (reading).
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I hate unboxing and I hate inventory...

I agree. No matter how many times I've done it, the excitement of seeing all of those brand new shiny parts IS exciting. Don't even begin to think about all of the work ahead-----once the inventory is finished just start working, in the proper order, completing finishing each step as much as practical, and pretty soon you have an airplane!

And what's really cool is all of the new friends you will make along the way. :)

Love un-boxing..

..hate inventorying. ;) However, you're right that receiving a new kit is like Christmas morning to many builders; myself included.
I remember...

RV-8 QB kits: I've been waiting for that thrill for eight months now. In four days I will be into my ninth month. They've been in Oregon since January 4. Waiting for trucking. The. Anticipation. Is. Killing. Me. Can't sleep. Sick of the practice projects. It feels like a bad dream. Why am I telling you? Gotta tell someone. See the tagline of my signature. Thanks for listening (reading).

Martin, if you need any help with inventory just let me know; I'm less than an hour away. My wings and fuselage came in smaller boxes than yours will, but I'd still be happy to help!


Heck, I enjoyed it so much that I insisted that some nearby builders let me inventory, label and box their hardware for them. Fun.

But I have to admit, that did get it out of my system for a while.

Martin, if you need any help with inventory just let me know; I'm less than an hour away. My wings and fuselage came in smaller boxes than yours will, but I'd still be happy to help!

Miles, I might take you up on that. I got the word today that my QB wings and fuselage will be loaded into the truck next Monday. The driver will contact me next week with an ETA. I'll send you a PM with my phone number.
Add one more for fun

My wing kit just arrived yesterday, but I didn't get to start unpacking until today. It's fun and exciting to go thru new parts. I uncrated the larger one first and I thought, that doesn't look too bad, that ought to go together pretty quick. Now, I knew that there were going to be plenty of parts in the spar box, but boy, are those Vans guys in the shipping department are wizards. It's going to take a while to unpack and inventory, much less build.

Enjoying the process,
We should all be buying stock in Weyerhaeuser for the amount of paper packing that comes with the kits.
The folks in the shipping department really do a good job but I think I had 5 full 33 gallon sized trash bags full of paper when I had my QB fuselage unpacked.
I wonder what Van's spends on packing paper every year?
I like the unpacking ... all the new blue plastic! I also don't like the HW bags with all the pieces mixed in together, so I dump those out and sort them into bins and trays .. I find that much easier to dig out the parts when I need 'em. I did have to call Van's a few times for missing HW bags.

... and I count the rivets, too, to be sure I got the right number. Still counting the 26lbs of the 3-3.5's that came in the the wing kit ;-).

I'm done though, now. FF kit was the last..... maybe I get to graduate soon and count grass strips?
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folded paper

We should all be buying stock in Weyerhaeuser for the amount of paper packing that comes with the kits.
The folks in the shipping department really do a good job but I think I had 5 full 33 gallon sized trash bags full of paper when I had my QB fuselage unpacked.
I wonder what Van's spends on packing paper every year?

I laid each strip out and folded and creased them into 12-18" widths. It didn't take too long and took up surprising little space. They then went into the recycling bins.

Inventory on a QB?

RV-8 QB kits: I've been waiting for that thrill for eight months now. In four days I will be into my ninth month. They've been in Oregon since January 4. Waiting for trucking. The. Anticipation. Is. Killing. Me. Can't sleep. Sick of the practice projects. It feels like a bad dream. Why am I telling you? Gotta tell someone. See the tagline of my signature. Thanks for listening (reading).

Inventory on a QB kit:eek: Aren't there only like 4 parts in the box!?!? Sorry.... couldn't resist...:p No such luck on a -4! I think I stopped counting at 11 billion parts... Steve? Kurt? Remember? Heehee.


I also inventory and break out all the bags into parts bins. Paper gets rolled for future paint work. Comes in very handy for masking.
Receiving a kit...
It's a special kind of excitement for sure.
Not much to inventory but it sure felt good to see this one.
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We should all be buying stock in Weyerhaeuser for the amount of paper packing that comes with the kits.
The folks in the shipping department really do a good job but I think I had 5 full 33 gallon sized trash bags full of paper when I had my QB fuselage unpacked.
I wonder what Van's spends on packing paper every year?

I took a lot of it, all crumpled up, and stuffed it into a mostly unused broom closet in the hall. I think I have a lifetime supply of packing paper to use when I box things up!
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All that paper...

is used to start fires in the shop stove. Still have a ton and I am picking up my finish kit next week. Gotta make a new plan.
This could be considered OCD... but I straightened the paper and folded it or rolled the longer pieces, and now I use it for masking paper.
BTW... my QB kits were loaded onto the truck in Oregon today. I have the trucking company info from Tony Partain, and should hear from the driver by Wednesday. Anticipating arrival in about 9-10 days.
"Why am I telling you? I'm telling EVERYBODY!"

OK, I've got to confess. I was a total slacker. I never inventoried any of my 6A kits. Just unpacked the boxes and started building. In one case I got two left ribs instead of a left and right. Vans made it right months after the kit arrived. I don't think there were any other missing or wrong parts in any shipment. John
Wow! Three days since the thread started and already three pages into it! ...because it struck a cord with all of us!!

I just received my -8QB Fuse several weeks ago from Tony Partain's driver, after ordering it last March!! I was originally told an August/September time frame, which turned into November, which then got hung up with the Christmas holidays...

The uncrated kit showed up here a couple of weeks ago, and I've been eyeballing this canoe packed full of all kinds of goodies under ALL THAT PAPER!!

Started inventory yesterday and I too have several large 50 gallon bags of paper sitting out at the curb tonight.

Just finished inventory of the HW bag...made my eyes hurt after a while.. Next... to the large rectangular box with tons of other stuff...

I love it! :D
I've found that Vans packing paper is very useful for cleaning my barbecue plate. My hot plate is always clean, and probably will stay that way for many years. I guess when I run out of paper, it will be time to think about 'reoffending.':D
Just finished inventory of the HW bag...made my eyes hurt after a while..

That took a me a while too. I ended up finding two brackets not in the bags but a little investigating on my shipping paperwork showed them backordered. They showed up about a month later with no work required on my end.
Not to rub it in or anything, but my experience was very different because I live close to Vans. So I just drive over there whenever I need something and bring it home. So I never had to deal with shippers, boxes or crates, or all that paper. (I saved $$$ by not having anything crated, and of course, no shipping cost). I'm very grateful and thankful for this. My major kits were waiting at Will Call, usually on a rolling table or cart of some kind. Vans would call me when it was ready for me. It was still exciting to load up, though, and inventory when I got home. I'm sure that's the same for us all! Here are a few photos from memory lane:

My empennage kit, waiting for me on this rolling table. This was like the day after I ordered it, as I recall:


About 6 months later, here's my wing kit, all loaded into my SUV:


And believe it or not, even the fuselage kit all fits in an SUV:


... as long as you can use the front seat and floor:


The finish kit would not all fit in my SUV, though, and I knew it. So I got my brother to come along and bring his van. Between the two of us, we loaded up the canopy, the cowlings, and all the other stuff in the finish kit. My Dad came along for the fun, too.





We even had some time for some silliness while we were at Vans. My brother, the cone head!


My Dad was such a good sport. This was out of character for him! He is no longer with us, so this is priceless.


For those of you who haven't been to Vans, it's definitely something worth doing some time when you can work it out!