
Well Known Member
On Thursday, Tom & Bonnie, Martin & Claudia, and Dave & Wendy left Texas and flew to Gulf Shores and spent the afternoon visiting the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola. On Friday we flew to Fort Pierce FL with a lunch stop at Cedar Key for lunch. On Saturday we flew out to the Bahamas and settled into a 3 bedroom house in Hopetown on Elbow Key in the Abacos. Bonnie and I had visited here many times over the years and were anxious to get back.

On the ramp at Fort Pierce

Two RV7a with 12 inch numbers over Abaco Islands


Our rental is the pink house on the point at the bottom

Beach by pink rental house

View from deck at house

Just went snorkeling, water was great. Looking forward to a great week.

Keep pounding those rivets.
Beaches, salt water, no clouds in the sky, a bunch of rvs, what more could you ask for. Enjoy.
When I grow up I want to be like Tom or Turbo. We did a simulated Bahama ride today with Agent Orange out of New Hampshire. Cranked cockpit heaters full power and toured Block Island, RI :D


Beautiful pics!!! With all this RV action in the Bahamas the they have received their Stimulus Package. :D
Hey Tom,
I am jealous and it has only been a month.
Send plenty of pics.

Here is the same beach and same direction just taken from 200' further South.

Our trip was only three days so we didn't stay in a house. We were in the Hope Town Lodge right next door to where you are.

Yes, the lodge is just south of us a couple hundred feet. We went snorkeling in front of the lodge this morning. Our first trip to Hope town back in the 80s we stayed at the lodge also. After that we started renting houses.

It is amazing what these RVs can do to expand your world!
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more pictures

This is a picture of Elbow Cay, where Hope Town is located, from the north end. Our rent house is located on the point on the left side of the island.

Elbow Cay from east side.

Another picture of "our" beach.

Enjoying the island time. Took our watches off for the week.
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Paul, I know it is hard to believe, and the northerners will laugh, but we have had a colder and drier winter this year in N TX and the pollen has been terrible. So we had to escape. And we wanted to get back to the Bahamas after several years of not making this trip. Getting ready to go snorkeling. Tough life.

Hint: if you cannot make this trip this winter, try this drink. Gumbay Smash. - 1 shot coconut run, 1 shot clear rum, one part orange juice and an equal part pineapple juice. Pour a drink, start up fireplace and put feet up and dream about 80 degree temps and sun.

Check out our spot track below.
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Hint: if you cannot make this trip this winter, try this drink. Gumbay Smash. - 1 shot coconut run, 1 shot clear rum, one part orange juice and an equal part pineapple juice. Pour a drink, start up fireplace and put feet up and dream about 80 degree temps and sun.

Sounds a lot like my favorite drink, a Painkiller:D

Have a great time, tell Bonnie I say hi. Martin and Claudia also.

Looks like you took the sports car instead of the station wagon?

Yes Mike, we flew the RV7a since it was just the 2 of us and 100 lbs of stuff and the RV10 is in the paint shop. The paint around the windshield and across the top of firewall was at first chipping off and then coming off with the blue tape we put on when pulling the cowling. So we got it in the paint shop the day before we left so the sports car got to make this flight. We had a great flight down here and are loving it.
Radio Station License

I'm interested in making a trip to the Bahamas while at Sun N Fun in April. I just read that I need a Customs Decal and Radio Station License (Like US planes needed years ago, but now apparently only to fly internationally).

I ordered them both recently but am concerned the Radio Station License may not arrive before my hoped for trip. (Less worried about the Customs decal arriving, but it could possibly be delayed too....)

So the secret question: Did they check your airplane docs in the Bahamas, particularly the Radio Station License????

No one checked anything except for the forms you need to have filled out when arriving in Marsh Harbor. Pick up those forms at FBO in Ft Pierce. I am sure you need the customs decal and 12 inch number going back into US and have prepared manifest on eAPIS.

Thanks. That's what I expected would be the case. In 23 years nobody has wanted to see my Airworthiness Cert or Registration Card - or Radio Station Lic back when it was required also. Of course my required docs have always been right there where they're supposed to be.

I got tape, and hopefully my Customs Decal will show up in time - maybe even my Radio Lic.........
If you do not receive the Customs Decal before you leave, just carry a copy of the receipt showing you have paid for it. The CDP faq sheet says that is adequate. I printed out that page also, just in case I got an inspector saying otherwise.

The only issue we had coming back in from Baja was the dog handler prompting his dog to get up on my horizontal stab. It left several scratches in my GLO paint job. I was p***ed, but held my tongue. Most of the CBP crew was walking around acting like they were Rambo.

Jim Berry
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more pictures

Another picture of our RV7a over the Abacos.

The Hopetown light house.

VAF hat at West Sound. We rented a boat for the day and stopped here for lunch. Yes the wind is blowing.

I still cannot believe where these little machines can take us!
Last nights sunset over the Hopetown harbor

Another beach shot during our evening beach walk.

Keep pounding those rivets.
another day in paradise

Tom & Bonnie setting at the entrance to Hopetown Harbor

Another picture of the lighthouse

Since Dave & Wendy are bird watchers, we have lots of bird pictures. This is a Red Legged Thrush taken yesterday. This bird is not in US but common in the islands.

Still have a great time.
Hope you can find your way over to Cracker P's on Lubbers. If you do please say hi to Patrick and Linda, the owners, from George and Pookie. You can see our house just up from the place......paradise for sure.

George, on Tuesday we rented a boat and motored by Lubbers Quarter but Cracker Ps was closed that day. We were amazed at the development on Lubbers Quarter as on our second visit to Bahamas in early 80s we rented a house on Lubbers and there were only a couple houses on the whole island. It really is paradise!
windy day

We had a strong wind from the east so we explored the lighthouse yesterday.

101 steps to the top, view from the top


Today is our last day in paradise.
Friday in paradise

Last day here so another beach walk.

Martin& Claudia on left, Tom & Bonnie in center, Dave & Wendy on right

Rent house at low tide

We have had a good week in the Bahamas. If you want to checkout Hopetown, try this link.
end of island time

Saturday morning we put our watches back on, took the 8 am water taxi over to Marsh Harbor, took a taxi to airport, cleared customs, loaded airplanes and flew back to Fort Pierce to clear US Customs. We taxied into the customs area at exactly the time we guessed. The FBO was out of fuel, a common problem in Florida this spring, and a line of weather across Florida dictated that we tie down and find a hotel for the night. Had a wonderful week in the Bahamas.

One last picture taken on our last afternoon.

Congratulations Louise! And thanks for the compliment. After staying at home all winter, we were ready for this trip and really enjoyed visiting the Bahamas again. I am sure you will also enjoy sour freedom next month.