
For nigh on to four years I've been satisfied with my initial tool kit from Isham. Recently my squeezer starter leaking at the input - no problem, they repaired it fast at no charge. Then two weeks later the small bushing on the end of my angle drill cracked - no problem, they sent me a new drill, again no charge. Pretty good service, eh?

Gary R. Kohler
RV-7A Tipup
+1 for Isham

I too have been satisfied with my tool kit from Isham. I had initial problems with my squeezer when I first got the kit 4 years ago (bent adjustable set holder), but it was replaced for free by Isham, and I haven't had any trouble, with anything else. My only regret is that I didn't upgrade my drill to the Sioux at that time. I recently purchased a used Sioux to add to my tool box, but I still use the "clone" drill I got in my Isham kit. It works fine and allows me to run two drills at once (i.e. one with bit, one with CS cage or whatever).