
Active Member
Hey All,
I've been trying to get a hold of ZipTips for a couple months now. They only have a single email address as their contact suggestion for purchase inquiries. So far no response. Does anyone know if they are still actively producing these? Maybe my email address has somehow gotten stuck in Damien's spam filter? does anyone have alternate contact information for them?

Still haven't decided whether I'm going to go that direction, but it would sure be nice to have it as an option.

Your experience is the same as mine.
I thought I’d investigate them as well. But they are effectively uncontactable.
A few emails and a voice message.
Eventually I gave up and just installed the stock tips.
Good luck.
Zip Tips are a product of Aveo Engineering.

Here is a link to their “contact us” page.

In case the link goes bad. 386-225-4779

I used the phone number on this page to call Damien twice last week. They answered on the 2nd or 3rd ring each time.

They were at Airventure and while there, I place an order for Zip Tips for my RV14. Damien called early last week saying they had several sets in stock. I’m flying my 182 down on Wednesday to pick up my set.
ok, I used that number and, just like Phil, I was able to make contact in a few rings. We had a great conversation, and I now know ZipTips is an option going forward. Damien also said the email address on the website should be correct, so you could try that as well. I'll be using the phone number going forward.


- Paolo
For the "winglets" in particular, are there any benefits besides cosmetic and good lighting?

ha ha...yeah, definitely there is a cost differential, so that's true.

Some other differences:

  1. They look is pretty nice. Very clean and integrated
  2. Damien stated the following: (I cannot verify validity of these statements)
    [**]the mold they use includes a foam in between the layers resulting in a more consistent result. (I may be using incorrect terminology)
    [**]minor increase of cruise speed (~1mph), minor decrease in stall speed (~1 mph)
    [**]better aileron authority
    [**] completely revamped version with the premieres don't have the noise issues in the original ZipTips that were caused by the Garmin radios. (Not sure if this is an issue with self installed systems)
  3. time savings. (probably biggest consideration for me)
  4. integrated rear navigation lights within the tips, so no needs to run lighting to the tail.
I still have a ways to go until I need to order these, so I'm in no rush. I'm going to do my research on the cost differential before finalizing my trade off decision.

- Paolo
Funny …. Aveo had big plans when they moved to the Flagler Airport Area , gonna build a 40,000 sq ft building, even duped the Governor to the shovel ceremony. That was 7 years ago ….. they rent a 1200 square foot storefront in an office complex.
wow. that clearly didn't work out. I heard that there were some issues with the Cirrus partnership that probably killed a lot of the potential for scale.