
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I'm getting ready to put a hose order together for the fuel system and I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to get away with this setup or not. My gut says "no". The problem is that the hose is pretty snug up against the starter. I thought about an adel clamp on the starter but it pushes the hose down too far. Also considered going around the other side of the engine but that's where my alternator wires and adel clamps are. I can't go under the AFP FI servo due to interference with the cowl. I'm stuck. Do I need to support the hose away from the starter and if so, how?


Thats fine

Sort of..:)

The starter is moving with the rest of the engine so the hose won't actually rub against the starter becuase there is no differential movement between the hose and the starter.

So you don't actually need to hold the hose away from the starter.

But it is a good idea to solidly clamp the hose to the starter just to ease any rubbing due to vibration.

What i would do is get a piece of rubber hose cut down one side, silicone baffling or similar and place between the hose and starter.

Then I would use black nylon tywraps or similar to snug the hose tight to the starter.

As long as its nugged up tight the tywrap won't even mark the firesleeve.


You might want to slacken off the locknut and aim the hose to touch the side of the AFP servo...That will decrease the sharp bend a little and give you a bit more length.

I would also strap the hose down where it goes over the top of the sump..The long length of hose will move around a little and could chaff the firesleeve a bit if you don't

If you are not comfortable with the line resting directly on the starter you can take the idea from frankh by using one large tyerap. Wrap this around the starter and the line but don't tighten up the tyewrap. Now take your finger and pinch the tyewrap between your finger and thumb so the tyewrap comes together between the starter and the line. Now take another tyewrap and wrap it around the tyewrap that you ust squeezed together and tighten. This will create somewhat of a mini standoff that does not take up near as much space as spacing with adel clamps. If you want more of a stand off, then just add tyewraps to creat the proper length of standoff that you want.

I have used this technique many times to solve the problem that you are facing. Good luck.
If you want more of a stand off, then just add tyewraps to creat the proper length of standoff that you want.

Good luck.

I have also used short pieces of rubber hose to gain standoff distance.

Whatever you use, just remember to check it once in a while-----heat and vibration will take their toll.

Good luck.

David, I'm with you when the gut says no touching the starter. You stated that you're going to order hoses for the system? If so, in that particular spot I'd switch to a line that has a 135 degree connector instead of the straight one. That would allow the line to aim more directly over the servo and possibly avoid the starter altogether.

One other minor question; in the picture where the line starts over the sump, is a bolt missing on that corner or is that an open hole? If its an open hole you'd have a natural attach point for an adel clamp to secure the line.
Great ideas - Thanks guys!

Once again some great ideas and descriptions! I'll do some mock-ups and see what I'm most comfortable with.

Yes, the bolt is removed from the sump. I was experimenting with adel clamps and discovered that the clamp needs to be drilled out for a 1/4" bolt.

The next adel clamp will be on the engine mount as the line makes the turn to the fuel pump. I'm making sure to have enough slack in this area for the engine shakes during startup and shutdown.
