
Well Known Member
Im in the process of buying a new home... Is a 20x20 garage big enough to build an RV in? If not, I wont buy the house! :D Seriously though, Im trying to plan ahead. Also, how do you guys aircondition and heat the garage so you can work in it year-round?
My -9 was built in a one car garage approx. 9x12. I used a little oil heater in winter and fans combined with minimal clothing in summer (boxers only - not a pretty picture)
I did build a small shed outside to accomodate the usual garage stuff such as bikes, mowers, etc...
Since the plane has been finished, the garage is now a play room for the kids and has a window A/C unit.
RV-8 in a 20x20

I'm currently building an 8 in a 20x20. Empenage is strapped to the ceiling using hook-screws and cargo straps and the wings are stored side by side in a wing cradle. I have a 4'x8.5' work table, a 2'x4' roll-around work table, a stationary 2'x5' table holding grinder, drill press, and sander.

Last night I moved the fuselage off the table onto saw horses and still had enough room to walk around the plane. Oh, and I have 18" deep shelves against one wall.

20'x20' is plenty of room.

In fact, there was a car parked on one side of the garage while I worked on the empenage!
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My garage is 22X26 and at all times I had one car plus the garden tractor inside (maybe not on the couple of days the wings were on.) I built the wings between the bays and had two cars plus GT inside for all the time before I joined the front and back parts of the fuse. Then my car had to set outside! You will have plenty of room.

Bob Kelly
I have a 24*24 shop

with a room off to the side to house the oiless compressor in.

I put two window rattler AC units in the back wall that opened to another area where I store my tractor (in fact I extended the shop to move out the tractor so I could get the 7a kit in).

I opened the doors to the tractor area to allow the heat from the AC units to be carried away.

With some extra roof insulation the 2* window units would depress the inside temps by 25F...Making 100F days fairly comfortable on the inside.

I don't like heat! and I was working 4*10 hour days at work so i could take the Friday off to work on the kit....As I stop work at 80F, the 2 bucks a day to run the AC units was a great investment.

In the winter I use a propane blast tube heater occasionally.

do what I did!

you could do it the way i did it... start the project knowing that you don't have enough space (my garage is about 18' x 18') and figure that you'll sort it out when the plane gets too big. that's when the sawzall and a crowbar become necessary additions to the RV builders tool kit. my ultimate solution? i recently built a very easy addition onto the back of my garage. not pretty, but it works!

check here...
http://www.perfectlygoodairplane.net/Perfectlygoodairplane/Bash a big hole.html

RV10 fuse/finishing
air condition?

who uses air conditioning?

Build Space

Where there's a will; there's a way.

I built the wings and fuselage in the living-kitchen-dining area of a 14x54 ft. single wide mobile home. Had just enough room on the firewall and tailpost area to squeeze sideways through. I was single at the time. Had to cut the end of the bar off with a sawzall in order to get from the front door the the stove, sink and refer.

Wasn't long before the carpet was full of alum. chips and shavings. Made going barefoot on the carpet sort of dicey! Had to remove the door frame in order to get the fuselage out.

Aaah, those were the "good ole days." :rolleyes:

BTW, life is much better now! :D
The bigger question is should you buy a house today or wait. With foreclosures up 55% over last year, and the prospects of double that due to the refinance boom the last 4 years with crazy mortage loans, it can only get worse, and prices can ony come down. There will be more homes on the market at rock bottom prices.

Rent for a year.