
Well Known Member
I picked up my second QB kit from Van's, the second one is another story. But after I removed and inventoried the other parts I was looking over the fuselage and the rib that runs down the side of the fuselage down to the wing spar has a buckle in it, this is the same on both sides of the fuselage. I know it did not happen in the move since I moved it my self, and the parts packed into the fuselage did not seem to be hitting the rigs. I see from the plans that a cap (F804N I think) gets riveted onto these ribs.

My question is has anyone else see this or is this damage, and if damaged will this straighten out when the cap gets riveted into place? My worry is since it is on both sides that the rib was compressed because the holes did not line up properly. I do plan to call Van's on Monday but thought I would ask here.

The link takes you to my log page with a photo of the area in question.


Looks just a little bowed to me. There are no creases or kinks in it. Just srtaighten it out and rivet the cap piece over it and build on. Don
Looks to me like they used the rudder cable holes for hoisting the fuse.

This type of loading (obviously) isn't what the fuse was designed for.

Look for rivets pulled from their position, cracked sheet metal, and deep gouges.

Those side stiffeners are made from 0.063" stock as I recall. They should be pretty beefy. If they bend back and nothing seems overstressed you might be okay.

What I would do is to locate an experienced local builder and have him look at it.

Good luck!

:) CJ
The similar F-804 bulkhead pieces on my slow build RV-8 were wavy like that too. The inside edge will eventually get covered by a U-shaped channel, and that will pull it straight.

Bottom line - this doesn't look like damage to me. It looks like waviness caused by the metal forming.
I had a similar issue on my 2001-vintage QB fuselage. It took so much force to pull them straight that I was afraid clecos would not be sufficient to pull them out flush with the caps for riveting. I thought fluting might help so, after consulting with Van's, that's what I did. That helped quite a bit. Before and after pictures attached.

On my 9A the side walls a straight, therefore those parts remain straight all around. On the 8, the side walls are curved and therefore the angles are fluted to to conform to the curve. When you bend one side of a right angle the other side is going to be longer and that is what is causing the waviness. Vans will probably tell you not to worry. If when clecoing the cover on for drilling and riveting, the clecos don't pull the parts together, I would suggest getting wingnut clecos which are used for pulling parts that need more "pull" than the standard clecos provide.
Mine were wavy like that, too - QB from 2006.
I will post pics if you're interested...

The rudder cables go thru the spar box, so lifting by their holes would take some serious force to bend these bulkheads - the spar box, etc would be damaged.

I would be inclined to use the fluting method to align and straighten...If you have to "force" stuff together...(ie. wing nut clecos)....seems this will provide a stress area even after riveting...which may promote stress cracks...IMHO???
RVG8tor, I Think I know Exactly What Caused That

When you (or the Phillipinos) draw the two .125 top longerons in to get the proper width for fitting the rollbar thats what happens to the 804's. At least thats what happened to me. Mine aren't that bad but noticable. My longerons may have been bent/formed a little better, I thought they were perfect until I got to fitting the rolbar.

Did you cleco the side covers on yet? How do they fit?
My 2006 QB also came with the wavy parts. The caps clecoed up just fine, but the fluting idea is a good one and easy to do.
Van's word on F804's

They said not to worry that this happens due to no roll bar on the QB Fuselage. The side are not held out by anything and this buckle in the 804 will happen. Gus thought that I will more than likely need to spread the fuselage out some to get the Roll bar in and or adjust the roll bar. The cap on the 804 will also straighten things out.

I have just picked up the QB kit, I still need to build the tail so I will be a couple of months before I start on the wings and fuselage. I am glad I bought when I did it saved me $1000, it looks like the price of the QB kit has gone up.

Thanks to all of you for your help, I am just glad I do not have to return the kit. Just a few missing bags of hardware. On item of note, I am still waiting on the answer but my QB kit did not come with the step (not an option for the -8A) nor did I get the F712E I think, the block in the tail for the tie down. I call thinking these should have been part of the kit, does not seem like items that would wait until a finishing kit. Van's was supposed to call me back but now word yet. I am off on vacation so I will catch up with the answer next week.

Build and fly safe.