
Well Known Member
I'm almost done with my 7 emp kit. Finally making some good progress after climbing the learning curve.

I made the extensions on the bottom of the rudder yesterday and when I pulled the blue plastic off the strip of aluminum, I found this. I'm guessing it's corrosion, but I wanted a second opinion. It was on both sides along the edges.

I'm guessing it came from vans like that. I got the kit in late May, and it's been in a climate controlled basement. If it is corrosion, thankfully I haven't found it on anything else.

I sprayed it with Ekoetch and scrubbed it off with a scotchbrite pad. It'll be primed here shortly.

Filiform corrosion

It is filiform corrosion, it starts at the edge of the sheet and then grows under the plastic film. Doesn't look too bad yet in the photo and can be removed with scotchbrite pad as you have done.
Thanks for the reply. What causes it and how do I prevent it from happening on my other parts? The part was stamped March 2021, so I'm guessing it was the environment it was in before I got it from Vans.
The edge of the 2024 sheet where the corrosion may start doesn't have the alclad protection, so it is more vulnerable. I've only experienced it on a few parts that had the plastic film. Humidity and contamination (e.g. salt, mineral dust etc.) can encourage corrosion, so best you can do after receiving parts is to keep them dry and clean. I know of another builder who also received a few parts that were affected by corrosion before they arrived.
Thanks for the reply. What causes it and how do I prevent it from happening on my other parts? The part was stamped March 2021, so I'm guessing it was the environment it was in before I got it from Vans.

Remove the film immediately on all parts. This is recommended by Vans.

The film is there to minimize scratching caused by forming dies and shipping.

Thanks for the reply. What causes it and how do I prevent it from happening on my other parts? The part was stamped March 2021, so I'm guessing it was the environment it was in before I got it from Vans.

Check all the parts. Best find it now.
Most likely that's the only part. It probably started before you got the part. My empennage had some too. None anywhere else.