Hello everybody, an aspiring RV-7A builder here from Toronto suburbs, Ontario. Looking forward my first build and wondering about few things here and there. Right now there is a Lycoming special for Sun&Fun show, have anybody seen RV kits on sale during Oshkosh or similar events, maybe boxing day? I am ready to pull the trigger even @ regular price, just curious. Cheers everybody and Happy Easter!
Hello everybody, an aspiring RV-7A builder here from Toronto suburbs, Ontario. Looking forward my first build and wondering about few things here and there. Right now there is a Lycoming special for Sun&Fun show, have anybody seen RV kits on sale during Oshkosh or similar events, maybe boxing day? I am ready to pull the trigger even @ regular price, just curious. Cheers everybody and Happy Easter!

My RV-6 will be flying 20-years in September of this year. It took me 8.5-years to build. In the almost 30-years I have been following Van's RV info, I never remember seeing any kind of special on an airframe kit. There may have been a one time tiny discount on a quickbuild kit but that may not have been from the factory.

Typically Van's Aircraft gives the lowest price every day. I know from comparing their prices on accessories with other vendors that they are typically the lowest and when they are not, it is on a percent or two that they are higher. I have learned over almost 30-years that it takes a lot of my time to find a better price than Van's. Typically I send a lot of time looking for a lower price and then just buying from Van's.
Murphy's Law says.............

"There will never be a special price until the day after you have made your commitment!"

"The only known exception is the sale that ended yesterday!"
Oshkosh special pricing for RV's? Sure there is.

Wait until about 7:30 on Monday night, at the party, after 6 or 7 kegs have turned to, well, you know. Jump up on the picnic table, wave a fist full of cash, and holler "I wanna buy an RV!"

Somebody may regret it the next day, but you'll probably buy one ;)
Yes, sure eneough there is. Last year I bought my -14 tail kit at Oshkosh and they knocked off $100. Not quite amazing but I'll take it. They said this is just for tails and to new builders.
I have been following Van's pricing since 2013. They don't usually do any show specials on their airframe kits. Those kits are priced pretty dang affordable anyways.

However, they will usually always do some sort of discount on engine and prop pricing during Sun-N-Fun and OshKosh. You can save a few thousand if you buy your engine and prop from them during those shows.

They used to have "yearly price increases" that adjusted for the cost of inflation as well as the increasing cost of aluminum and materials, but they changed away from doing that a few years ago. Now they examine the cost of the kits on a regular basis and will adjust the kit prices routinely to reflect the changes in the price of the goods they purchase, which seems fair, and keeps people from doing the "order now before pricing goes up at the end of the year!" rush.