Christopher Murphy

Well Known Member
I am considering the HR-3 as my next project. I have been looking all over for a 3 view drawing of the HR-3. Does anyone know of a website that has a 3 view or at least better pics than Harmon's website?

Chris Murphy
I was daydreaming today. . .

You know? I saw John Harmon make a pass at an airshow this summer. . . And I just can't get it out of my mind.

So today I was daydreaming about the HRIII. Thinking, I already have a pretty nice -6 (half), in a few years my partner is probably going to want me to buy the other half and I probably will, if the finances hold up. . .:confused: I like the single seat concept like the RV3, but I'm not fitting in a -3. So what about an HRIII? I looked at the pictures on the website. . . Some things right off the bat that concern me. Look at the bulkhead just behind the rudder pedals. Looks like your ankles sit right on that thing and doesn't look very comfortable. Second. . . the wing is even shorter. . . This probably isn't a lot of fun on long cross country trips without an autopilot. . .

It is sexy, but I think the II may still be a better way to go. Obviously HR built this thing to race. . . not sure it would be a great airplane to have for a run around machine. . . Somebody more in the know, may have better insight. . .

John Harmon built the HRIII as a racer but there is a lot of room in the cockpit of either a II or a III, I think it is the roomiest cockpit of anything except perhaps an RV-10. I'm a big guy 6'2" and 245 and even in the back of the II there is a ton of room. I would not fit in an RV-3 either. If you can make it to Bakersfield John will take you up in the II and let you sit in the III to "size" yourself.
I see John's selling his HRIII for $145K, save yourself the work of building it, and have a very cool, somewhat infamous aircraft.
One of our local guys just sold his rocket this summer and is well along in an HRIII project here in MinnesOta. I'll see if I can get some additional info from him. His rocket was near perfect (it was an HRII) and this one has all the makings of being another phenomenal plane. Previous to this I didn't even know anyone else could even build one, but I guess it's happening!

rocket III

I see there is some discussion regarding rocket III's and thought I would chime in. John's rocket has been sold and now resides home in Hutchinson, MN. The new owner's name is Jeff and he does monitor this site. If there are questions pertaining that rocket or rocket III's, you may want to get in contact with him.

Stein - you mentioned that there was another rocket project in MN, can you elaborate? Do you know who the gentleman is?

Cheers, Butch
Hey all,
I was intending to build the HR3 after looking at it last Summer at John's house and bought a set of prints.
Life kept getting in the way so I finally just bought John's HR3. It will be based in Minnesota and flown regularly around the US to my job sites. If anyone has any question just get a hold of me.

It goes without saying that we're all quite jealous. What a fantastic-looking plane. Reminds me of the Extra 300S.

As FLYPTV said, I just can't get it out of my head.

To re-iterate the original thread question, are there any others building (either in-process or finished) the Harmon Rocket III? It'd be nice if there was a website out there to follow someone else's progress.

As far as I know there is 1 other HR3 being built right here in my back yard, Minnesota that is.
I will be attempting to contact him and get some updates and pictures with his permission, of course.
I have also started a website at to put more information out there and get some pics and videos of this fantastic aircraft. This is my "off-season" but I still keep getting called out to work on special projects so the website will mature as I get on it. Also allow some time for the website as I'm a newbie at this and I'm having too much fun still learning the HR3. I'm also working on some other ideas that will be on the website, so stay tuned.
As you can see by the attached image, I'm having WAY too much fun with this.
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