
Do a search for Dave Anders' RV-4. Also, Kent Paser wrote the book "Speed with Economy" where he did improvements to his Mustang 2. I do hear that it's hard to find a hard copy of the book though.
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Dave Anders has written a number of article on his R-4 speed and efficiency mods in Kitplanes Magazine - you can search for his name on the web site and find them.
Dave Anders has written a number of article on his R-4 speed and efficiency mods in Kitplanes Magazine - you can search for his name on the web site and find them.

I just looked up the links for a friend in Europe yesterday.

Part I.

Part II.

There is a THREAD on VAF also about Dave's airplane that points to a PDF file that Dave handed out at a Sacramento RVators meeting. The Sacramento RVators website is no more so the link is broken but I have attached a copy of the handout to this message.

View attachment Aircraft_Efficiency_N230A.pdf

Hope this helps.