Ron Lee

Well Known Member
The system that stretches from Texas to the Great Lakes would probably keep me grounded. Has it impacted many eastern US people getting to NM?

We had five ships stuck on the ground today and could not make it out... will try again early AM. Lots of IFR missed approaches around the area today too.

Fly safe!
We were planning to go today but the weather was just to bad, hopefully we'll be airborn first this in the morning.

Two of us in RV-8s from North East Georgia cancelled because of weather. Someone now has a rental car that I had reserved over a month ago!:D
With a little bit of patience it worked out just fine for us. We departed Pecan Plantation (SW of Fort Worth) at 2:30 and had 1000' to 1500' ceilings with excellent visibility of 20 miles or more to just west of Abilene and then clear skies from there on. We arrived here at 5:30 just in time for the beer social.

Martin Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
EAA Tech Counselor
Tanya and I launched IFR into the rain from Georgetown just as the major convective stuff passed the field at about 11am. 15min of actual IMC then on top of a solid undercast at 8000' until about 50mi. E of Pecos. I'm glad we weren't stuck with only VFR capability. We wouldn't have made it. It was an easy flight on top. I counted about 34 aircraft on the ramp before we left for dinner at about 6:30pm.
Come on out, the weather is great here.
The ramp was definitely less crowded when we arrived (just as the beer was disappearing - thanks, Rosie, for saving me one!), and most of the folks here seem to be from THIS side of the front. I'm glad we were coming home from Oregon - I don't think we'd have made it out of Houston, judging by the charts.

But the weather here is FANTASTIC, so if you have a clear shot tomorrow, and are on the fence, come on out!

I had been planning on this trip for sometime, but with the crummy weather conditions (snow) along the Colorado Front Range, I have canceled my flight. I am now 0-2 taking my newly completed plane to a fly-in :(
I will try again next year.
Glad you got there safe... all five ships that were going up together from Georgetown and Taylor will terminate travel plans as of 11:00 AM today.

Ya'll have fun!!! :D

Tanya and I launched IFR into the rain from Georgetown just as the major convective stuff passed the field at about 11am. 15min of actual IMC then on top of a solid undercast at 8000' until about 50mi. E of Pecos. I'm glad we weren't stuck with only VFR capability. We wouldn't have made it. It was an easy flight on top. I counted about 34 aircraft on the ramp before we left for dinner at about 6:30pm.
Come on out, the weather is great here.
it still looks bad for VFR folks. The northern end of that system is a bit further east but it is a just a brick wall as far I am concerned....border to border.
We made it just a bit past Abilene today but the terrain and the clouds started to come together before we could get over the "mountains" (Texas hills), we had to turn around and head back :mad: Yall have a good time and if anybody needs a free meal feel free to use my name as we pre-registered for the banquet.