
No, they are not the same. I think the only common part is the vertical stab and *maybe* the elevators. The h-stab and rudder are definitely different. This is for the -7.

On the -9, EVERYTHING is different from the -8. The rudder from the 9 and 7 kits are the same.
The easy way to tell is by the part number. If it starts with a "6", it is from a -6. "7" for the -7, etc.

On the -9 many of the parts are the same as the -7 and -6 and only those parts unique to the -9 start with a "9".

Hope that helps.

As an instructor at Alexander Tech Center on the Tail kit program I can tell you;
The 8 and 7 elevators are the same. The rudder is only for the 8. The horiz. is the same between the 7and 8 except for the skins and two angles. the vertical is the same between the 7, 8, and 9 except the 9 skin is thinner.