Tim 8-A

Well Known Member
Is San Antonio International GA friendly?
I need to fly into SA for business, in and out the same day, is there a better choice on the NW side of SA?

I go in and out of San Antonio fairly regularly. Most of my trips are arrival in the morning, departure the same afternoon. The controllers are great, taxiways are fairly simple, and Landmark has always done me well. If you're there for just a couple hours, they will sometimes give you the crew car for $5/hr. I don't have any experience with Signature.

We make regular trips into KSAT. We recently changed FBOs to Asertec due to the fees at Landmark. Last time at Landmark they charged us a $15 security fee plus buying $7+ fuel to waive the $40 facility fee. At Asertec (Taxiways Romeo and Delta), the facility fee was $10 for a single-engine piston and no security fee. Ramp fee might be waived with fuel (lowest price at KSAT), but we just pay the $10 so that we do not have to deal with the hassle of fuel. They are a full-service FBO and can help with a rental. The entry into the FBO is a bit odd as it is through their big hangar for now, but it fine by us. A bonus is that Asertec is on the north side of the field, allowing you to use 12L and stay out of the juggle of the big jets. The very west side of Taxiway Romeo is a bit rough, so we ask for an intersection departure at Alpha.

We've found KSAT to be busiest around the morning and dinner-time rush, but the controllers do a good job. The only time is was an issue at all was during the rush on a solid IFR day and being sequenced in with the commercial jets. That was the first time we'd ever done a 'go-around' on an ILS approach in the soup.
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If you're going to San Antonio, your best option would probable be to fly in to Stinson Municipal Airport (KSSF). It's on the south side of town and only about a ten min. drive to down-town S.A.


ASR radar outage
Notice Number: NOTC5007
San Antonio's Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9) must be shut down for maintenance. The maintenance shutdown has been scheduled for Saturday, October 27, 2013, from 0700L (1200Z) until 1100L (1600Z). Back-up day is Sunday, November 3, at same times. The shutdown will be postponed if weather is a factor.
During the outage, San Antonio TRACON will not be able to provide radar services below 6,000 MSL in the San Antonio area (approximately 40 NM radius). We will be conducting non-radar services for IFR arrivals and departures to all airports in the San Antonio area (SAT, RND, SSF, SKF, BAZ, CVB, PEZ, 5C1). San Antonio Tower will be operating as a VFR Tower, and no Class C services will be available below 6,000 MSL. Pilots should be prepared for airborne holding, ground delays for IFR release, and strict see and avoid procedures when operating below 6,000 MSL in the San Antonio area. NOTAM's will be issued at the appropriate time.
Please disseminate this information to your flight department/crews.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.
Mr. Lynn Haney
Support Specialist
(210) 805-5530

Is San Antonio International GA friendly?
I need to fly into SA for business, in and out the same day, is there a better choice on the NW side of SA?
While not on the NW side of town, I'd also strongly recommend KSSF. The FBO there is friendly and minimal fees, waived if you buy fuel. I had coordinated with them ahead of time and as I was shutting down the plane on the ramp they pulled up with my rental car beside the plane! When I showed up to depart they had already pulled the plane from the hangar and I was able to pull up to the plane, unload from the car and head out!

Flew down today, what a beautiful day to fly, I used Boerne Stage Field. Not the best choice for business and transient aircraft, plus its a distance from the interstate. I am going back in a few weeks and will try either Stinson (KSSF) or SAI (KSAT).
Something new to me happened when entering the pattern.
About 10 miles out I heard on the radio a glider in tow was in the area.
By the time I was crossing mid field the I got a call asking my position, when I announced I was entering down wind the response was the glider is south of the field and will take number two. It hits me that the glider has the right of way, should I exit the pattern or continue on? I could see the glider a mile or so back, and the tone of voice on the radio didn't seem to be aggravated so I expedited and continued number one. When taxing to the FBO the glider had landed and was sitting in the middle of the runway, the pilot and instructor were out of the cockpit talking and appeared to be in no hurry to move the glider out of the way.
Like I said probably not the best airport for business trips.
Beautiful country, and what a great day to fly.

I've been to MillionAir at KSAT several times. A little pricey, but real close to where I've needed to go. Worked out well for me. Nice Mercedes courtesy car for up to 2 hours I think.