
Well Known Member
Hey all,

Looks like there is a VIP TFR over my base airport tomorrow. The TFR lists "maintenance test flights" as one of the prohibited operations. Do you think Phase I falls under that?

I am on a roll with my Phase I (19hrs) and took some time off work to fly tomorrow. Am I grounded or what?
Save yourself a lot of grief, don't fly VFR while the TRF is up over your airport.

You could file an IFR flight plan and see what happens, but don't take off without a clearance.
Yep, that's what I am thinking. It says I can file VFR (I can't do IFR while in Phase I), I think the simplest thing is to just stay on the ground.
If you still want to fly, try giving your local ATC facility a call. I find that they are generally professional, courteous, and very helpful.

I had to do some flight testing at a major class B airport in Houston, and they gave me my own runway and a brigade of fire trucks. Wonderful folks.
