
Well Known Member
I want to ask the group if it is possible to have a partner when you build an RV12? it can be a partner that helps pay for the plane. I know that the builder has to build the plane for 51%. I am just seeing if I can have a partner so that I (we) can buy the kits faster.

I started knowing that life would probably get in the way, we did a big remodeling of our house (I could have bought a factory build plane for the money spent on that :D) our son needs a car and is in college. So this has been delaying buying the next parts. The advantage has been that the IS model has come out.

Thanks everyone,

You can build with a partner, but only one can get the repairmans certificate. I built my first RV6 with 2 partners. No problem.
Since this is the RV-12 forum we can assume the question is on the context of the RV-12.... Which can be very different from EAB certification that most people are familiar with.
As already mentioned, there is no 51% requirement if an RV-12 is built as an E-LSA (exactly per the plans with no modifications). In fact it is perfectly legal to pay someone to build it for you.
There is also no build experience requirement for getting a repairman's certificate so I believe it is possible for two people in a partnership to each get one as long as they each take the 16 hr course.

I have had 3 different partners in airplanes, a Saratoga partnership and two partners in my RV6 A and they have been great, each one with their own expertise to add to our airplane, choose very carefully, a partnership is like marriage without sex. A good understanding of use and expenses and a good written agreement for ending the agreement. I ended one partnership because the airplane was no longer needed for my mission. My partner understood and we sold the airplane. One partner on our RV Moved and the airplane was to far away, he helped enormously wth the paperwork and he is still a good friend.
I think it goes beyond the legalities.

I think it depends a lot on your personality. I would have a very hard time. I?m a perfectionist ( I know it?s not possible) so I would have difficulty with someone else making a mistake on my plane. When I make a mistake I have no one to blame but me. I?ve made many BTW. If you have a different attitude then maybe it could work.
If you build exactly to the plans and certify as E-LSA there is no 51% requirement.

And even building E-AB, the requirement is only that at least 51% of the work be done by ?amateurs?, i.e. people not being paid to do the work.

It does not mean that one person must do at least 51% of the work themself. 51 people can each do 1%.
Would you rather build, or fly?

If you want to fly, consider instead buying a used RV-12, and save your time.

Not trying to discourage you, some folks absolutely love the building process, maybe it keeps them busy and away from the wife and the "honey do" list. Others enlist their wives or kids or the neighborhood, as partners, to assist in the build.

Many ways to achieve the same goal.

The question then becomes are you looking for a fractional ownership partner.
Very true Niner, I really enjoy the building part and wanted that to be a part of it. Recently my instructor called me and asked if I wanted to buy the plane I learned to fly in. That really got me thinking if I wanted to continue building. I know the RV12 is one of the most affordable planes to fly and there are planes out there for $65K.

Tough choice.
