
Active Member
So today the DAR came.

She walked into the hangar and said wow! Then asked me when I started the build and I told her November of last year.

She shook her head and walked around the plane stopping several times to sort of squint at something or another. Couple of times she reached out like she was going to touch something and then pulled her hand back like she was afraid it was going to shock her.

When she got back to where I was standing she asked me if I would consider adding her as a beneficiary to my life insurance....

Ok, she only found 6 things wrong, well really more like 206 (stopped counting when I ran out of note pad pages) but really only 6 were show stoppers the other 200 or so can be easily fixed with the right kind of hammer or some extra sheet metal work. Alright, maybe some will require balsa wood due to the weight issues but heck balsa has been used for ages to build airplanes. Right?

Anyway, I explained it was a Light Sport and I would only fly VFR during the day and she said oh, ok.

And I passed!

Yip EEE!

Thanks to all you folks on the forum for asking questions that I didn't have to so I could see all the answers. And special thanks to BobY for all his patience and assistance.

Should have the actual certificate sometime this week and as soon as the glue on the balsa wood dries I can fly!
I must not be too bright. I didn't catch on until half way through your post :D
