
Well Known Member
Is there a reason for riveting the wing top skins to the spars before the leading edges, as shown in the plans book? There would be better access for riveting if the leading edges went on first, as a squeezer could be used on both sides. I saw an RV-7 website where the builder did the leading edges first, but don't know what order is called for in those plans.
Its a heck of a lot easier to lay your spar (shimmed level and clamped) on your work bench for stable riveting. Plus this ensures the ribs don?t have any twist.
I am at this point and I was wondering if there is any issue with installing the leading edge portion first would be any issues. It seems it is easier to install the leading portion and then put the whole part in the wing stand to rivet the top skin. The advantage is that the skin to spar can be squeezed but also we can check the alignment of the top skin to the leading edge skin really well.
My advice would be to stick to the plans. As mentioned, it’s very easy to have the wing spar sitting on your work bench, check and shim for zero twist and clamp it in place before doing the top skin. You would definitely want to have the spar held in place while riveting the l.e. which wouldn’t be as easy. And how much time are you really saving between the two riveting methods.
Triple check that all your rib flanges are square to the entire depth of the web, not just the last 2 or 3 inches or you’ll have oil canning. Ask me how I know :mad: