
Well Known Member
TFR display on my 795 is so laggardly that in-flight decisions can't be done in a timely manner. Lately, two TFR's north and south of Heber, UT, were not displaying even after being airborne for an hour head right towards them and within 70 miles. I rang up a FSS who confirmed the TFRs were indeed there, as was another TFR a 150 miles ahead that was not displaying. On the return trip, it took ten minutes for the nearest one to display after take-off from Price headed for it, and the other took so long I would have come very close to penetrating if I wasn't already aware of it.

I dug out and booted an iPad with Foreflight which put up all TFRs within minutes. Its GPS source is a Bad Elf and the FIS receiver is a GDL39 blue-toothed to the iPad and the 795. The same iPad normally lives in the 172, blue-toothed to a different GDL39, and TFR reception seems sluggish there also.

This problem occurs on other flights and I've not seen any correlation with the -7's flight parameters. In all instances, other FIS-B products display on the 795 as expected within a short latency (10 minutes) into the flight.

Anyone have any idea why TFRs are so flaky?

John Siebold
Boise, ID
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