I was at Vans last Friday picking up my tail feathers and while on the tour (no I did not see the 12) I asked how close to first flight and was told a week or two so I would say yes .
I was there this morning at about 9:45am 11-9-06 and witnessed its first flight, looked good but I was not there by the time it landed, I was told that Van was the pilot.
I talked to one of the Vans guys at AOPA and he told me it was ready to go. Sweet to see it fly. looking forward to hearing about the Flaperons, he was kinda dubious about them...
The video answers the flaperon question. If they're responsive enough for Van, they're good enough for me.
What do you think of the panel mounted pitch trim? Van uses it just after takeoff in the video. Take abit of getting used to? I guess the wiring is very simple but it wouldn't be too hard to have it stick mounted?
It looks really nice!!! With the matched hole technology, pop rivets, and Van's proven track record for Great kits, builders should be flying in practically no time. All you ELSA lurkers will have a dream come true. :)

Notorious Van's Cheerleader :p
Van's RV-12 updates

I know that it is probably a fine line while doing R&D on a product - wanting to keep the cards close to the vest - versus providing all us fans with info. So - note to Van's: Thanks for the most recent group of updates - including a video. That was a nice touch. I know it continues to build my interest - and I am sure others.

Keep it coming (whatever you can)! We (loosely speaking for all of us!) appreciate it!

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Did anyone who got a close look at the RV-12 at OSH figure out what sort of pop rivets they're using on the external surfaces? Just curious...
ELSA and Flight Instruction

Do I understand correctly. When the RV12 becomes available, I can buy the kit and assemble it according to vans instructions, and certify it as an ELSA. Once it is ELSA I can sell rental/flight instruction until 2010?


robertahegy said:
.... All you ELSA lurkers will have a dream come true. :)

Notorious Van's Cheerleader :p
Transition Time Limit

You would only be able to use the RV-12 for commercial flight school ops only if you could complete it and receive an E-LSA airworthiness certificate before January 31, 2008 (i.e. "fat ultralight transitioning"). If you are successful in that doubtful attempt, then yes, you can rent the airplane out until January 31, 2010.

I am following the concept with a Rans S-12XL that is complete and flying, with an E-LSA cert issued November 16, 2006.

Chase Snodgrass, CFI
Presidio, Texas
Sorry, but you can't "rent out" experimentals. You are correct on the other counts. You MUST get E-LSA certification before 1/31/08. After that you can provide instruction or tow a light-sport glider for compensation until 1/31/10 at which time your airworthiness certificate will expire and you must apply for a new certificate. The new certificate will be just like any other experimental certificate. Only S-LSAs may be "rented out". Ref FAR 91.319(e).
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ELSA for rent?

I'm probably splitting hairs, but what is your opinion on where instruction ends and "rent out" begins.

Say I instruct a sport Pilot Candidate up to solo, then he solos in my ELSA, racks up 5 hours, and does his check ride in it too. Can I accept the rental money for his required 5 hours solo, or are we forced at this point to reject the ELSA and buy an SLSA, or sell 1/5th to the student, or form a club, or some other rental work around.

Furthermore, once he has his Sport Pilot Single Engine Land, is he prohibited from renting the plane he learned to fly?

It looks like ELSA might have been intended to allow a future for existing 2 seat ultralights with an UL training waiver, to allow them to continue UL/SP training until 2010.


Mel said:
Sorry, but you can't "rent out" experimentals. You are correct on the other counts. You MUST get E-LSA certification before 1/31/08. After that you can provide instruction or tow a light-sport glider for compensation until 1/31/10 at which time your airworthiness certificate will expire and you must apply for a new certificate. The new certificate will be just like any other experimental certificate. Only S-LSAs may be "rented out". Ref FAR 91.319(e).
Your student must hold a student pilot certificate signed by you (as instructor) to solo the aircraft. You are responsible for his actions because he is flying under your supervision. How far you wish to let him go is your decision, but you are still liable. Yes, you are correct. The 2-place ultralight training exemption is going away January 31, 2008. The 2 year limit on E-LSAs being used for instruction was thrown in as a transition phase for the 2-place ultralights. After 1/31/2010, Light-sport training must be done in S-LSAs.
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