
Well Known Member
Do I really have to debur the edges of the firewall (and the recess)? It's pretty difficult to work with. I'm deburring the holes now, but if the stainless isn't prone to cracking like aluminum, can I leave the edges as-is?

Thanks for any info... it's hard to type with all of these cuts on my fingers :eek:
I'd think you would want to debur where it touches aluminum and where your hands, arm, legs and ears are going to rub it down the road.
I deburred mine because I had a few areas that had razor sharp burrs. Slice and dice if I didn't...:eek: It's hard on the deburring tool, but it'll save your skin.;)
As others indicated, I don't think it's critical to debur stainless. However, if you want to keep the blood in your body, it's a good idea. I didn't want to dull my deburring tool, so I used some course grit emery cloth, followed by some finer cloth and then a scotchbrite pad. It's smooth as can be and there is no chance of it cutting me now.
Yes, deburr it!

One easy way is to use a cutoff wheel in your Dremel tool.
Just lightly run it around the edges. Safety glasses are required of course.
My trip to the Emergency Room....

....was caused by a helper losing her grip on the fuselage while I was repositioning the cradle underneath. My hand was resting next to the firewall. It dropped only about an inch, and cut my thumb to the bone...
You can take the edge off with a file in a few minutes. It is still dangerous though.
Yes, do it. Took me a few minutes tops with sand paper and also a dremel. Prevented that teenie slasher film look when handling it later.
One easy way is to use a cutoff wheel in your Dremel tool.
Just lightly run it around the edges. Safety glasses are required of course.

Mel - this is one of the best tips, ever! Worked like a charm. You should move this to the tips section. I never would have thought of this (mis?)use of the Dremel cutoff wheel.

It was a bit scary - my Dremel has developed a habit of creeping up to max speed. You're 100% right about the glasses!

Thanks so much,
