
Well Known Member
Hi you German, Netherlands and UK RV'ers!

I'm planning the avionics for my second RV and I'm wondering wether or not to buy the mode-S transponder.

Here in Norway, it's not needed for now, but who knows what the future brings...

I'm wondering if a mode-S transponder is required for flying VFR in Germany, Netherlands and UK?

If it's legal without mode S today, is there any restrictions? For example that you're only allowed below 5000'?
sierra xpdr

I'm in Italy, italian Faa requested to me to install a sierra code xprd (I've choosen garmin 328). For Europe I know that every 'production' airplane build after april 2008 must have a S code.

btw ask your local Caa

my two cent
hi alf olav,

the current regulations for each country are quite shady at the moment, and an overview not conveniently available... very similar situation as with the 406elt's... unbelievable that so many bureaucrats can't come up with a coordinated effort!
but let's face it, mode-s (at least elementary, as e.g. the gtx328) is here to stay and when faced with a new purchase decision, anyone going without mode-s will have to upgrade sooner than later.

besides, when installing new (and in the experimental arena) the upgrade isn't that costly.

kind regards,
Hi you German, Netherlands and UK RV'ers!

I'm planning the avionics for my second RV and I'm wondering wether or not to buy the mode-S transponder.

Here in Norway, it's not needed for now, but who knows what the future brings...

I'm wondering if a mode-S transponder is required for flying VFR in Germany, Netherlands and UK?

If it's legal without mode S today, is there any restrictions? For example that you're only allowed below 5000'?

The answer to your question is "yes".. For the countries you mentioned, you need a mode-s transponder allthough the UK is not yet firm on their position. I believe they are thinking about proposing areas in which mode-s is not required. Belgium does not (yet) require mode-s but you'll have a tough job getting there from Norway and avoid Dutch, German and UK airspace :):):D

A Garmin GTX-328 would be my choice, mode-s at a reasonable price..

Good luck!
I wouldn't say that it is req.
I can fly over germany with my mode C at the moment. There is some restrictions but none that have given me any problems so far.

But if I would equip a new stack in europe these days I would go Mode S anyhow...
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Hi ao.frog,

For the Netherlands, the information can be found here:

quotation from the link above:
4.1 Elementary surveillance
Aircraft shall be equipped with a mode S transponder with elementary surveillance (ELS) functionality. The equipment must be in accordance with the technical specifications laid down in ICAO Annex 10, volume IV, amendment 77.

Activation of mode A/C transponders is prohibited in the Amsterdam FIR.

Exempted from the mandatory carriage of a mode S transponder are:

motorised VFR flights in class G airspace below 1200 ft AMSL (excluding the NSAA, see ENR 2.2).
non-motorised aircraft (gliders, hanggliders, parasailers or balloons) outside the transponder mandatory zones (TMZ) and NSAA, see ENR 2.2.
Carriage of a mode S transponder is strongly recommended in the UK North Sea area V, this recommendation is published in the UK AIP and regulation.

On 25-04-2009 an AIP-SUP has been released considering SRZ Schiphol:

Kind regards,