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One Question: Is a Garmin GMC 305 really useful in a G3X installation?

The installation is:
Garmin G3X Touch Dual Screen w/EIS
Garmin GTR 200 radio
Garmin GTX 330ES transponder
Garmin A/P Servos
Garmin GMC 305 Autopilot controller.

I?m keeping steam gauge Airspeed, Altimeter and Whisky Compass.

I?m running out of room and wondering if you with G3X touch panels really use the autopilot controller (GMC305) or just use the EFIS interface for autopilot.

I?ll probably have to swap out to smaller steam gauges to make the GMC 305 fit, I appreciate your thoughtful replies,

GMC 305

I would definitely want it in there for IFR. The 305 gives you a place to make changes on IFR approaches by feel (and fewer button touches) without changing the screen you are flying from. I definitely wouldn't want to be changing screens or have pop-up boxes on my screen on final approach in the soup if they are avoidable.

I did my IFR training in G1000 equipped aircraft. The GMC helps to make the two systems operate very similar to each other in my opinion so the training flows right over from the G1000.

I also plan to use sim time on the Redbird sim with G1000 twice a year to help maintain IFR currency so having the systems operate similarly will help on this issue as well.

Yes. In my mind, the GMC 305 is a must have. I put it high on the panel, in the center. Works well there.

Ps I see now that you have the touch screen, my comments pertain to the GDU 370. Autopilot control may be easier with the touch, not sure.
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Thanks Jeff, helpful link.

Thanks Andy(s) you seem to be confirming my suspicion. In my last panel I could tune the radio from either an EFIS touch screen or the actual radio and after the first day I always used the radio. The transponder could only be operated from the EFIS and that became a pain so I opted for the 330ES physical transponder in my new panel. It could be just my airspace, I usually have to use 5-6 transponder codes on the way to lunch.

I assumed I?d feel the same about the A/P, but wanted to check in with those of you who?ve used the GMC305, thanks for the help.

If anyone uses the autopilot interface on the G3X Touch I?d be interested in your thoughts as well.

One Question: Is a Garmin GMC 305 really useful in a G3X installation?

The installation is:
Garmin G3X Touch Dual Screen w/EIS
Garmin GTR 200 radio
Garmin GTX 330ES transponder
Garmin A/P Servos
Garmin GMC 305 Autopilot controller.

I?m keeping steam gauge Airspeed, Altimeter and Whisky Compass.

I?m running out of room and wondering if you with G3X touch panels really use the autopilot controller (GMC305) or just use the EFIS interface for autopilot.

I?ll probably have to swap out to smaller steam gauges to make the GMC 305 fit, I appreciate your thoughtful replies,

I went through the same decision making process. We opted for the Blue button since one of my partners is starting his instrument training. Plus I fly with my kids and I wanted the blue button to be a part of their brief. Now, after flying with it for several months now, I want it for me, too. I find it much easier than to use than having to split the PFD screen, plus it has additional functionality in commanding climb and descent rates. If you have the panel space available, the 305 is easily is worth the money. Others may differ based on personal preference.
yes! I didn't put one in and now wish I had. It will be the FIRST thing added to any upgrade or panel work I ever do...
Craig, if you are considering replacing steam gauges with smaller steam gauges, why not swap the vacuum pump for a backup battery (if you have one) and spend the small dial money on a backup EFIS so you don't have any panel-eating round anythings?
A good thought, Chris, I see many panels here on VAF without steam gauges.

Everything on my plane is electric already, and while I expect the new Garmin panel to be much more reliable than the last panel, I?ve flown home enough times with a crashing EFIS that I?d like to keep the steam gauges if possible.

I think it depends on the type of flying you do. When I?m flying in formation or just going out doing aerobatics I never use it. If I?m on a cross country operating in the system, then it?s a must have. I also love that it?s the exact same control head that I have in my Cirrus SR22T, so the continuity is priceless.


Chris got me thinking if I really need the steam gauges. So I've been combing the forums looking at all your panels, some great ones, btw. Two more questions:

Many of you don't have any steam gauges, do you not miss them?

I see a lot of panels without a whiskey compass, I thought that was an FAA requirement, am I mistaken?

Thanks for the continued help,
Chris got me thinking if I really need the steam gauges. So I've been combing the forums looking at all your panels, some great ones, btw. Two more questions:

Many of you don't have any steam gauges, do you not miss them?

I see a lot of panels without a whiskey compass, I thought that was an FAA requirement, am I mistaken?

Thanks for the continued help,

I missed my analog steam gauges for about 5 hours, now I REALLY like the EFIS presentation. Seems glass is way easier (couple wires) and cheaper ($1000 - $1500) for an IFR backup. I prefer steam gauges for the old classic certified planes...

FAR 91.205 requires a "Magnetic Direction Indicator," which can be a whiskey compass or magnetometer that drives the digital heading tape like the remote compass does in an HSI.
One Question: Is a Garmin GMC 305 really useful in a G3X installation?

Hi Craig,

You'll find some good feedback in another recent thread covering use of the GMC 305 here. It definitely provides good bang for the buck. It makes the autopilot more convenient to use and provides an element of redundancy letting you operate the G3X autopilot servos even if the displays are all powered down. Steve put together a nice write up explaining redundant operations here.

I just ordered smaller (2-1/4") backup gauges so I'll be able to have them as well as the GMC305, the panel will be cut tomorrow or Friday. This is about the most helpful forum I've ever been on; no snark, just real information from builders and experts. Thank you gentlemen.

After flying a week with the new panel I can definitely say I like using the GMC 305. Thanks everyone who help me make this decision.