
Active Member
Vans says it's OK. I have this gap after aligning the trailing edges. I'm thinking
of remaking the trim tab to see if i can reduce the gap (and possibly use
ribs instead of bending the tabs). Is it worth the hassle? The minimum gap
is 3/32nds on the plans, but 9/32nd's seems large to me. comments...?
Go on... if you still think it should be re-made after the finishing kit, do it. :p And you can put some epoxy filler there (unless aiming for polished plane) and most people won't notice it after paint. And as said, 3/32" is MINIMUM so most should have more -- although that 9/32" is a lot more. Did you really put the bending block in the right place? Moved it a bit outwards from the line where the bending should be?
Big yes on the trim tab ribs ...

Vans says it's OK. I have this gap after aligning the trailing edges. I'm thinking
of remaking the trim tab to see if i can reduce the gap (and possibly use
ribs instead of bending the tabs). Is it worth the hassle? The minimum gap
is 3/32nds on the plans, but 9/32nd's seems large to me. comments...?

... here's what I did:

Edit: BTW, 9/32's is a bit over 1/4 inch. I think I have 1/8" there. That sounds like a big gap to me though I suspect it's mostly a cosmetic goof. Like the previous poster said, build on you can always revisit at the end of your project if you are not satisfied.
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I didn't like the way my folded edges on the elevator looked so I cut them off and made a trailing edge rib. the end result is that the rib looks clean but it left a gap between the elevator and trim tab of almost a half inch. I can't imagine it is going to make much of a difference though so I'm leaving it.
Here's my gap (and my first try at using imageshack)...

I plan on leaving it alone, unless it keeps bugging me ;). Now back to
finishing the wings.