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I'm New Here
Hello all,

Is an initial condition inspection required to be entered into the airframe/engine/prop logs before the first flight is made or does the DAR's inspection for the operating limitations double as the condition inspection?

Put another way, are there any required log entries prior to the first flight and, if so, what are they?

Thanks in advance!
The DAR will require a log entry prior to his inspection that states a condition inspection has been performed. After receiving the airworthiness certificate the aircraft can be flown with no further inspection needed.
The DAR will require a log entry prior to his inspection that states a condition inspection has been performed. After receiving the airworthiness certificate the aircraft can be flown with no further inspection needed.
Would that be entered into all of the logs or in the airframe log only?

Also, if the aircraft has been sold prior to phase 1 being done and the airframe log is no longer with the plane, does that invalidate the original terms of airworthiness/condition?

Thanks for the quick reply!
Enter the information into all of the appropriate logs, just like it's a flying airplane. I usually note that there was a condition inspection in each of the logbooks, but I only write the verbiage that states "I certify that this aircraft..." in the airframe logbook.
Would that be entered into all of the logs or in the airframe log only?

Also, if the aircraft has been sold prior to phase 1 being done and the airframe log is no longer with the plane, does that invalidate the original terms of airworthiness/condition?

Thanks for the quick reply!

Uh oh.....looks like there is more to this situation that you haven't shared with us........

You need a knowledgeable DAR to sort this out.
Uh oh.....looks like there is more to this situation that you haven't shared with us........

You need a knowledgeable DAR to sort this out.
Hello all,

Is an initial condition inspection required to be entered into the airframe/engine/prop logs before the first flight is made or does the DAR's inspection for the operating limitations double as the condition inspection?

Put another way, are there any required log entries prior to the first flight and, if so, what are they?

Thanks in advance!
If you have the airworthiness certificate, registration,W&B and flight limitations you should be good to go.
f the plane is still in pase 1, then you need to verify the test area originally assigned by the DAR and finish phase 1. If you don’t have a log book and the above mentioned paper work Then you need to start one. You will need the entry from the DAR as well as a Conditionn Inspection entry for the first flight.
most pilots have three log books; airframe, engin and prop, although some folks use one logbook for all entries. I prefer using three in the event you change engine or prop then the log can go with it.
if You lost the AIrworthy Cert you can call the fsdo or a DAR so see about getting a replacement,but you still need the other docs too
good luck
Hello all,

Is an initial condition inspection required to be entered into the airframe/engine/prop logs before the first flight is made or does the DAR's inspection for the operating limitations double as the condition inspection?

Put another way, are there any required log entries prior to the first flight and, if so, what are they?

Thanks in advance!
If the DAR has signed off the AWC then the airplane is technically good to go. However, during the DAR inspection, the planes covers would have been removed, same for the cowling, etc. It is prudence to double check everything before the first flight. My test pilot found some small items during his inspection and they were fixed before the first flight.
I logged every inspection in the aircraft log, it doesn't matter if it's required or not. In the Phase 1 testing, I log each flight and the number of hours flown to document the test progress.
After phase 1, I only log the flight hours in my pilot log. But every maintenance event or inspection was logged in the aircraft log.
Uh oh.....looks like there is more to this situation that you haven't shared with us........

basically there are two issues.....

One is that the phase 1 flying wasn't completed before I bought the plane and now the operating limitations document is missing a page and the airframe log is nowhere to be found.

second, undisclosed/undocumented damage history so I'm trying to figure out how much the FAR's, such as 91.417, apply to an experimental and weighing how to notify the FAA about the problem. there are two aspects to that last part, notification because I was sold an airplane whose books demonstrate a violation of 91.417 and because I have to retroactively enter maintenance history that I wasn't a party to until now.

The airplane I bought isn't a Van's but you guys are the most active, well informed, E-AB group on the internet so here I am. My hangar mate's RV-4 hasn't gone anywhere in about 15 yrs so it's possible I could be an RV owner sometime soon I guess :)
I think Sam hit it on the head...better talk to a DAR. Way too many extenuating circumstances with this one. And if you haven't done all the paperwork and Phase 1 testing correctly, you could potentially have insurance issues were something to happen.
Ok....we are being tasked with chasing down issues with a non-Vans aircraft. That is outside the scope of this forum, so this thread is closed.
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