
Well Known Member
Ironflight in the RVator

There is a very nice article about Paul Dye in the new RVator, Congratulations Paul! During one of the recent shuttle missions, CNN showed a shot of mission control with Paul on TV. I said to my wife, very nonchalantly, "I know that guy".
"You do?" she asked, somewhat impressed.
"Well, not really. But he built an RV also"
Perhaps that little episode served to elevate her opinion of my hobby.
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My ex-wife used to watch me during missions on NASA TV and call me on the black phone and ask why I was eating pizza instead of something healthier.... :rolleyes:

Like I said....ex-wife ;)

Congratulations, Paul!

I received my RVator yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see Paul's article. It's very good. (Of course, he wrote it ;) , but it is a very good article.) His RV-8 is also featured as the September Pin-up in this year's Van's Calendar.
bsacks05 said:
During one of the recent shuttle missions, CNN showed a shot of mission control with Paul on TV. I said to my wife, very nonchalantly, "I know that guy".
"You do?" she asked, somewhat impressed.
"Well, not really. But he built an RV also"
Perhaps that little episode served to elevate her opinion of my hobby.
I did the same thing! My wife thought it was pretty cool... :D