
Well Known Member
Pretty painless -- they sent me a pdf form that I could type into, and they wanted pictures of the receipts. Email it all in, and they do the math. Agent was EAA / Falcon, insurer was Global Aerospace.

In the VFR-only RV-8, I flew from Savannah to Knoxville, but then Irma went up the west coast of Florida instead of the east coast and followed me. I then went to McKinney, TX, but Irma did little in Knoxville. Then again, with the RV-8 tied down outside, getting out of Dodge seemed like a really good idea. I had two gracious invitations from RVers to ride out Irma at their place (thanks again!) but managed to avoid wind and rain entirely on this trip... except for a few minor showers on the flight home.

My buddy flew the RV-9A to Wilmington, NC, where it got a good soaking on the ramp. With the tricycle gear, IFR capability and an autopilot, he had more options on weather and surface winds.

Then again, he had headwinds both ways, and I had tailwinds on every leg. Does the 200 knot club include descent?

Now hoping Maria doesn't mean do it all over again...

Lordy, Lordy.

IF I read "tricycle gear had more options for weather and surface wind", again, I may throw up.

I feel better.