
Well Known Member
I was wonder what the general opinoins where for how well the iPhone works for getting up-to-date weather? Do all the normal weather sites (weathermiester, NOAA,, intellicast) work well on the iPhone? I know this depends on the AT&T coverage areas, but how well does the iPhone work for (hypothetical) in-flight updates? I know it is not as good as XM weather but just wondering if it actually would be acceptable.

Well... I love it so far... the only thing I've found that does not work is on the phone... the applet or application kicks me off when the wx tries to load under the runway diagram. It zooms in and will display things sideways if you need it. Call me if you have any questions.
Brian Wallis
Foreflight for iPhone

The people who make Foreflight for the Mac (and peecee) now have an iPhone version.

It's very well done with a UI that is appropriate for the phone. In addition to weather (including radar images), it provides airport information (diagrams, AF/D data, etc.), sectional charts (integrated with SkyVector), N number searches and other features.

Flight plan filing (with DUAT) directly from the iPhone is in public beta now.

They've recently added automatic integration with LogTen Pro logbook software. It lets you view currency expiration dates, flight totals, etc. on the iPhone.

You can get more information here:

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with the company in any way except as a customer.

You may also be interested in It provides standard E6B functionality with an iPhone interface. The UI is clean so it's pretty quick, even over EDGE.

It doesn't do weather at the moment, but the web site says "weather features coming soon".

Coverage in the air is possible, but above a few thousand feet it's hypothetically spotty :rolleyes: I think it would hear too many cell sites; cell site density would also have an effect.

For pre-flight weather, you can't beat it.

Weathermeister on iPhone

I don't have an iPhone, but weathermeister works great on my smartphone (Blackjack II). I seem to remember Dan announcing that mobile weathermeister works with the iPhone too.

I do use weathermeister on my iPhone. Works great and I do not even have to use the mobile link. I just have a different custom briefing layout set up to load a little bit simpler set of text/graphics.

Two other guys at my airport have iPhones as well and suggested a few of the sites mentioned here. I showed them and they both signed up. just came out with an iPhone version. This is an extension of the browser-based site, and it'll do the redirection to the iPhone automatically. ITS FREE! I've been using it and the creators are looking for any feedback you think will help. I don't have an iphone, but another pilot i fly with does and it's real nice what weather/winds he can get on his iphone for free. Check it out.. again... To me its a FREE mixture of Airnav, and Weathermeister all in one.
jeff h