
I'm New Here
It's hard to ask a question about something one doesn't know much about...........but here goes. Is anyone using an Ipad with stratus as the only source for nav and flight instruments? I've just recently became aware of stratus, I don't even know if this would be legal. I'm an old steam guy, buy would love to have a nice EFIS.........but like most, money is a factor, so trying to keep the cost down. Any info that you can share would be greatly appreciated.
I use an iPad and Stratus currently in the old school 182RG I currently fly (while building an RV10). There are cheaper options now out if all you are after is ADSB and weather in. Just recognize that will not get you all traffic. It will get ADSB weather when you are too high to get WIFI service from the cellular system.

It is a great combo for situational awareness. I would not use if as a stand alone system, since I have had a few lost signal episodes that caused momentary pucker. It always comes back, but still...

I have gotten opposing traffic at my altitude a few times now, well before I could spot them. Even knowing they were there.
For navigation, yes - in place of paper maps, and in place of my 20+ year old gps.

Save yourself some money and look up Stratux.
...Is anyone using an Ipad with stratus as the only source for nav and flight instruments? I've just recently became aware of stratus, I don't even know if this would be legal.

I use a Stratus 2 with an ipad and consider it an excellent backup source for attitude information. In fact, I personally think it's worth the cost ONLY for the AHRS... The ADS-B stuff is just a bonus. That said, the speed and altitude is GPS based so not a great choice for a replacement for a pitot static system.

I'd certainly not consider the system as a primary attitude reference, but I'm not going flying anywhere near weather again without it.

I recently installed the Seattle Avionics Merlin ADSB receiver which I believe is a stratux clone. Seems to provide a lot of capability for $250.

On my iPad mini with FlyQ installed I get traffic, weather, WAAS GPS, AHRS etc

I'm not connected with SA in any way
It's hard to ask a question about something one doesn't know much about...........but here goes. Is anyone using an Ipad with stratus as the only source for nav and flight instruments? I've just recently became aware of stratus, I don't even know if this would be legal. I'm an old steam guy, buy would love to have a nice EFIS.........but like most, money is a factor, so trying to keep the cost down. Any info that you can share would be greatly appreciated.

There is an RV-9A at KVVS that is setup with iLevil and iPad as you say. It also has airspeed and altimeter but the iLevil / iPad is setup just like an EFIS and the GRT EMS provides the engine data to the iPad through the iLevil.
Airspeed, altimeter and compass are required equipments. For VFR, nothing else is required except some engine gauges. Not all stratus clones or alternatives have AHRS. Neither does the Stratus 1. Beyond that, for VFR, there is no reason not to use the iPad legally, but practically speaking there are some serious drawbacks, especially if it will be in the sun. They can easily overheat and shut off to cool down.
Appareo Stratus 2i 1090 ES Transponder with DUAL channel ADSB IN/OUT

We installed this system in our RV6 that replaced a Bendix/King KT76A transponder. Using the iPad Mini with a RAM Mount; on the left side beam just forward of the canopy latch. It was a pretty easy installation.
During hot summer months the airflow from the left air vent is directed to the backside of the iPad Mini & using Foreflight. Never had it shut down due to overheating. Summer temps have been as high as 100 deg f.
Now we have ADSB IN/OUT, AHRS, weather, traffic.
Sold the KT76A and with the $500 rebate made it a good investment