
Well Known Member
I bought WingX for my iPhone about a year ago. I tried flying with it and thought the screen was just to small. So I really never used it.

I now have an iPad2. I decided to give WingX Pro7 a try. What a delight. I love this software. It is so easy to use and the amount of information for flight planning is great.

This last week I had to travel for business and planned window seats on each of four flight segments. Sitting at the window in a 737, WingX Pro7 took a few minutes, but did find the GPS signal and started tracking my commercial flight. It was a blast looking out the window and spotting all the small airports and towns that we were flying over. The system keeps you informed of speed, direction, altitude and time remaining to you destination. One of the flights had WiFi on the plane, so I was able to upload the current weather database and keep track of the clouds systems below our flight as well.

Now I can't wait to take my iPad up on my next flight (rental still, my 9A is still under construction). Anyway, just wanting to report on a fun experience with good software.
WingX and the iPad

You'll soon discover two big differences between WingX and Foreflight when you get to use your iPad inflight. WingX will display TFR's on your moving map and you'll also be able to set extended runway centerlines, very useful if you're going in to somewhere new. Foreflight, at lease when I tried it for 3 months, didn't have that capability.
Enjoy and be safe!
WingX on iPad

Very interesting. I tried it yesterday and deleted it after about 2 hours. I noticed significant distortion in the sectional while in split mode. Didn't like it. Disclaimer - I have been using Foreflight for well over a year, so I'm most likely biased. YMMV
App Problem?

Very interesting. I tried it yesterday and deleted it after about 2 hours. I noticed significant distortion in the sectional while in split mode. Didn't like it. Disclaimer - I have been using Foreflight for well over a year, so I'm most likely biased. YMMV

Sounds like a problem with your iPad or the download of the app. I use split screen frequently with one being no detail, just airspace & extended centerlines and haven't noticed any distortion on either view.
Do you LIKE having to read about the TFR's before flight or would you rather have them active on your map?
Another fan of WingX--been using for 6 months along with Skyradar box for ADSB weather. Flawless operation, good clarity, no distortion.
Yeah, it'll be in to that first week I think by the time I have a chance to run to (and find) the Apple store anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that that press event will be iPhone 5...which I also want!:cool:
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Yeah, it'll be in to that first week I think by the time I have a chance to run to (and find) the Apple store anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that that press event will be iPhone 5...which I also want!:cool:
It will be interesting to see what they announce on October 4th. I have also heard rumors that it may be the new I-phone. Regardless of what they do announce, I have heard Apple intends to release a new version of the I-pad sometime in the next few months. It will be interesting to see the timing for when they do this.
Yeah, it'll be in to that first week I think by the time I have a chance to run to (and find) the Apple store anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that that press event will be iPhone 5...which I also want!:cool:

Micro Center has Ipad 2s for $50 off this weekend. Unfortunately, it's in-store only and the closest two stores to Chad are Chicago and Columbus.

ipad 2 and wingx

I have been a real fan of Foreflight for over a year. It would not work well on a flight from Phoenix to Raleigh-Durham last Saturday. I had a trial version of Wing X Pro, and I tried it. It worked perfectly at a window seat on Southwest airlines. I was impressed at the difference. I may just have to subscribe to both.
iPad 3

October 4 is for announcement of the iPhone 5. The iPad 3 is supposed to be out 1st quarter 2012. It will have a new screen for better use outside and for aviation uses. Apple had no clue that aviation would be a huge market for the iPad.

A couple of the rumor mill sites even have discussed a release before Christmas. Expect them to be more and expect the iPad 2 to drop in price. All rumors but the information has proven accurate in the past.

WingX Pro 7 and Foreflight both look great. For the price, why not?
I just bought an older IPad first generation 3g and downloaded WingX last week, WOW what a program! I used Foreflight on the trip to Oshkosh and back on a Droid, did not like the small screen, and I think the WingX is a better choice.
Sounds like a problem with your iPad or the download of the app. I use split screen frequently with one being no detail, just airspace & extended centerlines and haven't noticed any distortion on either view.
Do you LIKE having to read about the TFR's before flight or would you rather have them active on your map?

TFR's are now active on the maps in Foreflight.
Center freq's?

Has anyone figured out how to display nearest ARTCC frequencies in WingX? It sure would make requesting flight following a bit easier if I could just call up the nearest frequency. I suppose I can just pull up the IFR charts, but I don't normally download them.
Has anyone figured out how to display nearest ARTCC frequencies in WingX? It sure would make requesting flight following a bit easier if I could just call up the nearest frequency. I suppose I can just pull up the IFR charts, but I don't normally download them.

that would be a handy feature.

I might have to break down and buy an ipad. :eek:

Has anyone figured out how to display nearest ARTCC frequencies in WingX? It sure would make requesting flight following a bit easier if I could just call up the nearest frequency. I suppose I can just pull up the IFR charts, but I don't normally download them.

Aren't they listed in the AF/D section?
I've got a xoom and use it regularly in the plane as a backup to the 696.
Avilution is 5$ a month and I get all the AFD info including plates for the charts I select, either individually or all at once. I just get all of them and all the charts too. sectionals, high/low en-route although Im only VFR so only use the sectionals.
it also has a weather overlay for when its got a wifi connection. There is a 4g version.
It leaves a breadcrumb trail, extended directional line, custom waypoints, flight planning etc. The GPS is so good I dont have any issues in the plane and havent had a need to add an external GPS device.
There is a ram mount for it although I just keep it in the side panel or on my knee.
Battery life in standby is about 5 days or so. in use with GPS is about 10 hours.
I have a cig lighter adapter I take if needed. I have yet to fly so much as to need a charge en-route.
I installed WingXPro yesterday. It is very cool except...looks like it costs about $300 for Geo-referenced IFR plates. Maybe I am missing something? ForeFlight is $150?
Nevermind, found it. Looks like WingXPro is $99 for Hilton and $75 for Seattle Avionics. Looks pretty sweet.
I just got the iPad and WingX. I paid $99 for the charts, and $75 for geo reference on the approach plates. I did not buy the $99 synthetic vision subscription. I also use the ADS-B for GPS and weather, though the GPS in the iPad worked fine in a Cessna Cardinal I was using. I love it.

On one flight the ADS-B weather did not work until my second leg from FL to Nashville. I don't know why. I thought it might have been altitude related, I was at 4000' the first leg, higher the second. But I had tested the unit around my field in FL at 1000' AGL and the weather worked fine then. May be a transmitter in my area, but it seems to me I would have gotten close enough to one at some point between my departure field and my stop in north Georgia.
Only several days into figuring out the workings of WingX, the first glitch I have found that you cannot use private fields for navigation, the route planner will only use VOR and airports. That is a major disadvantage to me.
My airport is private

and works fine in route planning for WingX. Identifier is FD88.

You can also touch the screen to add a waypoint anywhere you like, you don't need to just use identifiers.

Watch the tutorial videos several times, I did and learned a lot.
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2nd the Motorolla Xoom

I've got a xoom and use it regularly in the plane as a backup to the 696.
Avilution is 5$ a month and I get all the AFD info including plates for the charts I select, either individually or all at once. I just get all of them and all the charts too. sectionals, high/low en-route although Im only VFR so only use the sectionals.
it also has a weather overlay for when its got a wifi connection. There is a 4g version.
It leaves a breadcrumb trail, extended directional line, custom waypoints, flight planning etc. The GPS is so good I dont have any issues in the plane and havent had a need to add an external GPS device.
There is a ram mount for it although I just keep it in the side panel or on my knee.
Battery life in standby is about 5 days or so. in use with GPS is about 10 hours.
I have a cig lighter adapter I take if needed. I have yet to fly so much as to need a charge en-route.

I also have the Xoom and I am pretty happy with it. I use Naviator which is $5 a month or $50 a year. It isn't as great as WingX yet but they are improving it. I just don't like Apple....the Xoom is $200 cheaper, Faster, and you don't need the GPS dogle for the WiFi model. Also it has a good camera, and you don't have to use Itunes for your music....